My first ball

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At first I stood there like a fuel then I remember to smile at everyone and I walked down the stairs I completely forgot what he had said because I was to busy worrying. I hate being in the spot light.
Once everyone got a good look at me some went back to dancing or talking and some talked to me asking questions about me. They were all very nice and smiled, giving me room and didn't throw a million questions at once it was like they knew what I could take and what I couldn't.

Then a girl came right up to me and hugged me I'll I could see was her white hair at first then she pulled away and I saw her face I froze it was the bigger sister from my memory. She had a few tears in her eyes but she spoke clearly to me. "I'm sorry I just got excited I was starting to think you weren't coming about it's been 200 years." She gave me a smile then sadness hit her. "You don't know who I am, do you?" I looked at her for a second she looked exactly like her. She had to be her.

"Your my sister. Right?" she smiled at me.

"Ya my name is Oplio and I'm queen until you return to us. I'm so glad your back I've missed you so much." Then she hugged me again said she had to go and left me to answer more questions.

Later on she came back she told me it was time to but crowned. I didn't hear what she had said because of the noise so I just let her pull me along behind her. When we got to the trough she told me to sit. I did she turned so she was facing everyone else. And began speaking.

"My little sister Kay has finally came back to us again and as we all know she is the rightful leader of the world so please everyone give a big welcome home to her." everyone clapped for me and I blushed. "But this year the guards have told us that she can not be queen till she marries. And they have also picked three people.." she gave me a quick worried look then said. "Here they are now the first is Spike ruler of the vampire worlds." I couldn't believe it it was him he walked through the door and looked at me as if he didn't know me then walked off. What the hell. "next is Jake king of the magic demotion." the guy looked like a if I kissed him he would turn into a frog. "And lastly is Cole king of the underworld." She looked at me and I met her gaze and what I saw was that she had said the right name then I looked at the door and there he was in a jet black tux looking bored and like he would want to be anywhere but here and I understood why every slayor looked like they were ready to kill him. But it wasn't just him it was all of them. For some reason all of the men were getting a look that said God I want to kill you, right were you stand. This didn't make since why would the guards pick these men out of all of the ones there are.

"Are amazing guards picked these men to marry Kay believing that their kingdoms will combined and the worlds will be at peace." She looked at me the whole time as if she was answering me. Wait can anyone read my mind. She lend down so she could whisper in my ear. "Yes but I'll show you how to stop it later. And what are you going to do." I know she was wondering if I understood who they all were and she probably wanted to kill them just like everyone else but Cole and Spike were there. "I don't know what should I do?" I asked her

"You need to go and dance with one but if they pull something funny then well everyone here is a slayor someone will help you. But only if you need it." She said this as she looped her arm through mine so that I was fallowing where she wanted me to go. She then stopped and pushed me into someone's arms. I said sorry then looked up to see Spike.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Your guards told me to come and try and marry you."


"For the two kingdoms."

"What kingdom are you?"

"Vampires we don't have a good name like everyone else but that's ok."

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