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When I looked up to see who said that a man in a purple tux with blond hair was standing there. When I looked at him he walked over to me. "Hello Princess, I'm Hinzu, you dress designer. What do you say we get you into something more fitting for a princess." I nodded just figuring that this was how my life worked now. "Let me get a good look at you." He gave me his hand to help me stand. "You're so much different this time."
I tried to stand like what I thought a princess should look like but he started shaking his head. "Your trying to hard sweetheart no one expects you to be like a human princess." I gave him a funny look so he tried to explain better. "Every human princess is made to walk and talk a special way and we don't do that we know you and that's not you. We know that you will dress up when you have to but you wear what you want most of the time. You rule the way you want and everyone loves it that way. We all get that you are new at it for now but we also know that one day you'll realize that you are just fine here."

"How do you know that?" I asked stoned that he was saying exactly what I needed to hear.

"I've said it to you a number of times in you past lives and for some reason you listen to me better every time you hear it." He smiled at me as if he knew that what he was saying made me feel better the more I thought about it. Then he started looking me up and down and asking me to turn.

I had just did another turn when he snapped his fingers said I've go it then tapped the top of my head. I started to ask what he was talking about when I saw myself in a full body mirror.

My blonde hair was full of body and shine and partly pulled up into a Cinderella kind of bun will a few strands stayed around my face it gave me a look at said 18-20 instead of 15. I had makeup that was light but made my face pop. Small earrings that looked like diamonds and a matching neckless then I saw the dress.

The dress was a sky blue, heart neck line, with no sleeves the dress was tight until you got to the legs then the skirt was flowy all the way to the floor. It was so beautiful. I looked amazing I turned around to thank Hinzu for it but he shock his head at me and said. "You don't have to thank me I love my job and I will always do it for you." He smiled at me and I smiled back thanking him in my head a million times. "Now off to the ball or you'll be late and it would be bad to be late on you first day." he said as he pulled me to the door.

He walked me down the stairs. I could hear music and people I was getting worried again so Hinzu looked at me and said. "Just smile and let your worries go remember what I said." I smiled and nodded we walked a little bit more so we were right outside the ball then he said. "The things that protect us really hurt us remiber that and all of our kind stick together we are just waiting for you to relive what's going on and when you do we will be ready. The game is almost at its end." I turned so I was in front of him.


"Go." and he pushed me into the entrance and everyone stopped to looked at me.

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