Truth and/or Lies

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Everything was just black like a cave and I couldn't hear or feel anything but it was almost like I knew there was things and people around me. Then I was splashed with really cold water.
I gasped for breath like I haven't been breathing for hours. Hinzu was standing there with a bucket on hand which explained how I got wet. He saw me shoot daggers from my eyes at him so he said. "Sorry your magic took over and it did what it wanted, my magic was no match so..." he pointed to the bucket.
"That would explain why it wasn't just last nights memories."
"What else did you see?" Said a voice that came from behind Hinzu.
I looked beyond him and saw Cole standing very still against a wall. And I lost it I ran up to him and used everything I learned against him. I through him to the ground and hit him over and over again. Then I looked for something to stab him with. But when I stopped hitting him he over powered me and through me into one of the tables then before I could get up he can running up to me and pinned me to the wall knocking things everywhere and a number of dresses off the wall. I tried to get out but he had me. Both my arms over my head in just one of his hands and he used his body to keep me from kicking him and to top it off he had a hand full of my hair to keep me from head butting him. I just stood there hating him and wishing I could kill him now. "I'll say it again. What else did you see?" he said with victory in his eyes.
"You lied to me." I said with hate.
"About what."
"You told me you loved me, but your just using me. My whole life you've been watching me, waiting to use me."
"How do you know that?"
"Old memories. I was a year old and you were going to kill me with that man."
"Your wrong."
"No I saw it, I saw you!"
"Your still wrong. Yes I said thoughts things, yes I was with that man and yes I've been with you. But the thing is that what I said was a lie to that man who wanted half of your powers, and I have been watching you grow up but I've know who you were since the day you where born and the first time I saw you I knew I couldn't let anything hurt you."
"Prove to me that your telling the truth." I begged.
"Ok in the memory when I first showed up you clapped right?"
"So what?"
" Well it was a game me and you use to play I would pop in one place and you would try and find me. You loved to do it and I like that someone was watching you when your parents were fighting."
"How do I know if it's true?" I asked changing him.
"You don't." He said simply.
"Then how can I trust you?" I pushed and with that he let me go.
"If I wanted to kill you I would have." And he's right he could have killed my all thoughs years ago, or when he fallowed me, or ever right now because it's clear that if we really had a fight I would lose just like today.
"So kill me." I said just to got him mad. He turned away from me then turned back with a look in his eyes that scared me. Then he came at me.
I wasn't ready at all I didn't thing he would do it. But he come at me and I tried to get away from his grab but I was to slow and he pulled me into his chest. He had my arms pinned and my feet weren't touching the floor. He held me tightly but he wasn't hurting me.
He leaned his head to my ear and whispered to me. "No. I still can't do it."
"Why not? This should be easy for you."
"It's not. And you know why it's not."
"No I really don't." He pushed away from me to look if I was serious but what he saw didn't make him happy.
"Then I'll prove myself to you."
And he walked away. Right out of the room through a door I didn't see before. Hinzu was off to the side like nothing happened.
"I'm sorry about your room." I said taking in the damage that we caused.
"Oh this its fine." He snapped his fingers a few times and everything started putting itself back to where it belongs. "See like it never happened." I nodded as I moved out of the way of a table that kept noggin me.
"Why didn't you help?" I asked him once the table was in its spot.
"I'm not aloud. No one is aloud unless it's someone that actually has a chance against him and so far the only person that would be is you."
"I don't stand a chance he's to strong." I panted.
"I guess it's a good thing he's not the enemy then, isn't it."
"Of course he is." I said confused.
"No my dear we face something worse. But for now we should get you back home it's almost time for you to wake up and go to school."

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