Chapter 65

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 It appeared Arrick and his party had managed to chop off three of the dragon's ten heads, but it was still a very large and formidable enemy. One of the giant gaping mouths sent out a blast of ice that flew mere inches over the top of Fabian's head. This was followed a couple seconds later by a fireball that seemed to originate from the dark stone tower behind the dragon. Luckily this missed as well, but it did singe a few of Fabian's arm hairs.

The warrior known as Rupert was backed against a large boulder covering his mouth with one arm to ward off a noxious green mist one of the dragon's heads was blowing at him while swinging his battle axe with the other hand in an attempt to fend it off. The thief known as Surgeeyoh had managed to climb on top of the dragon's back and was attempting to saw through one of the dragon's necks while also battling off another head that was trying to grab him with its long sharp teeth. Arrick was screaming like a madman as he hacked away at one of the dragon's legs with his sword while Jaana stayed a little ways back and let loose with a rapid fire of arrows, many of which were already sticking out of the dragon's hide. An occasional evil cackle could be heard from high up in the tower and Fabian caught a few glimpses of the wizard Delroy just as he launched another one of his fireballs.

"You guys can relax now," Fabian called out. "We're here to save the day."

Arrick's eyes went wide as he turned and saw Fabian. "You!" he shouted. "I thought I killed you!" He immediately abandoned what he was doing, let out a bloodcurdling howl and charged at Fabian at full speed with his sword drawn. He was swinging his sword right at Fabian's neck, but Briawny stepped in and blocked the blow with her own sword.

"Relax, mate," she said. "We need to put our differences aside if we're going to defeat this dragon. It's more of a threat than any of us can take on on our own."

"I will never work alongside this walking talking piece of shit!" Arrick screamed as a vein throbbed in his neck. "Do you hear me? I will not rest until I see him crushed into a puddle of bloody ooze!" He tried to swing his sword at Fabian again but Briawny deftly blocked it once more.

"You're wasting energy fighting with us when you should be focusing on that dragon," Briawny said. "You can always settle your differences with this one once our common enemy is defeated."

Arrick spat on the ground. "We don't need help from the likes of you. We were doing just fine on our own before you lot showed up."

"Be reasonable, Arrick," Jaana said as she wiped some sweat from her brow. "We've been battling this beast for hours now and we've only destroyed three of its heads. We're getting tired and it's showing no signs of slowing down. Plus that wizard keeps lobbing fireballs at us from the tower."

"Stupid wizards," Fabian muttered.

"I will not fight alongside him!" Arrick snarled. "I'll die first!"

"Fine, have it your way," Fabian said as he shoved Arrick in the chest right into the path of one of the wizard's fireballs. He let out an agonizing scream as he burned to a crisp right in front of them.

Jaana turned her bow and arrow on Fabian. "Treacherous fool! I was arguing on your behalf! You will pay for this with your life! Your companions shall perish along with you in a manner that causes the most suffering imaginable."

"Excuse me, ma'am but the rest of us had nothing to do with that decision," Brandon spoke up.

"Shut up, Scrote. You were the one who came up with that plan before we came out here. Remember you said get Arrick talking and then shove him into a fireball?"

"What?" Brandon asked. "I never said anything like that."

"Yep, old Scrote here's been the mastermind all along. He wanted us to murder all of you but I talked him out of it. I agreed Arrick had to go, because let's face it. That guy was a dick. Come on, Jaana. Even you have to know deep down that he completely sucked."

"But... but I loved him," Jaana said as she started to lower her bow.

"Yeah, and he was going to totally ditch you and marry the princess. He said so himself in front of everybody here when he sneakily stabbed me in the stomach like a little bitch. I could have easily taken him in hand to hand combat, but he had to cheat like the coward he was. That asshole never loved you or even cared about you. He was never going to marry you. Now, if you want, I'd be happy to throw you a bone once this is all said and done. I won't marry you either, but I will give you the honor and the privilege of sleeping with me."

Jaana raised her bow and pointed the arrow right at Fabian's face. "The very idea of that makes me want to throw up the last hundred meals I ate. I will never lie with you. And make no mistake, you will pay for what you did to Arrick when this is finished, but we really could use your help right now."

"I will happily serve him up to you to do with as you please," Briawny said. "But as much as it pains me to admit it, we need all the help we can muster up right now."

"All right then comrades," Sir Mikael shouted. "What are we waiting around here for? Let us join the fray!" He spurred Rothchild into a full gallop and charged toward the dragon with his sword drawn. One of its heads bolted towards him in an attempt to bite him in half, but he sliced it off clean at the base of the neck in one blow.

"We'll take care of the dragon," Briawny said. "Why don't the two of you figure out a way into that tower and deal with the wizard?"

"Yes, ma'am," Brandon said with a salute.

"That's a great idea," Fabian said. "You guys clearly have the situation under control here and the stupid wizard still has to be dealt with for sure. Come on, Scrote. Let's do this."

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