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"i would like for Jaycee Louise McCall, come to the living area please. I repeat, Jaycee Louise McCall, come to the living area please. "

I fixed my hair, and pulled my beanie on my head before running down the stairs. i ran into the living room to come face-to-face with the best surprise ever.

my favorite band; Pierce the Veil.

Hold on, hold on. why don't we start from the beginning.

well my name is Jaycee. Jaycee Louise McCall. I was born on a small farm in Murray County, Georgia. i had a pretty decent life up until i was about nine or ten. when i turned 12, i was diagnosed with serious, manic depression. it wasn't long after that until i started hurting myself intentionally.

"I want you OUT of this house!" My father roared with anger. I understand why he's so angry. i cause them a lot of trouble with all of my hospital bills from my disorder and my self-harm.

"Get out!" My mother had decided to join in at this point. So, i did as told and went to grab the bare necessities i needed to survive for the next few weeks.

after i left, i walked for about thirty minutes until I decided to ride my skateboard the rest of the way. I didn't know where I was going. all i knew was that i wanted away from the negativity i call my parents.

when i finally found a place that i could live, i walked in to talk to the receptionist.

"hi, my name is Jaycee. i was wondering if there was any way I could maybe crash here for a little while?" i said, walking into an old hotel looking building.

"i'll need your full name, age, birthday, and a reason as to why you need to stay here." the receptionist said.

"Jaycee Louise McCall, I'm seventeen years old, my birthday is July 12th, 1997." I replied, "and the reason as to why i need to stay is that i was just recently kicked out of my house. my parents didn't want me there anymore because I was a lot of trouble to up keep.

"Alright, we'll let me make a few phone calls and I'll see what i can do. you can have a seat over there," she pointed to a table that had some sort of food on it, "help yourself." i nodded and dragged my items, that i had grabbed before i left, over towards the table.

thirty minutes had past before the receptionist had said anything to me.

"come with me, you'll be staying in room 276 with Jamie and Nicole." she said. i quickly grabbed my belongings and followed her up to the second floor.

We finally stopped at a very large room, compared to mine back home. The walls were a light green color, the carpet was dark blue, and fluffy. i fell in love with it as soon as i saw.

"Make yourself comfortable, clothes go in there, your bathroom is behind that door right there. Come back down to the desk when you get settled and I will show you to the kitchen." She smiled, and walked out leaving me alone in this huge, bare room.

Right away, i started putting away what i had. i looked over to the full body mirror they already had in the room and smiled to myself.

"Shit," I muttered as i accidentally slid my hand down the bed rail, cutting it in the process. I decided to the room next door and see if they had a band aid or not.

"Hiya, I'm Teagan Parrish!" She smiled widely. I smiled back.

"Jaycee McCall. I was wondering if you had a band aid. i kind of cut my hand." I asked politely. She nodded, walked back into her room, and brought box of band aids.

"Here ya go! Do you need any help?" She wondered. I smiled again.

"That would be much appreciated!" I laughed. She nodded, closed her door and followed me into my new room. "do you mind helping me clean it out. I'm sure there's a bit of dirt in it already." she nodded quickly, taking my hand and placing it, palm up, on her leg.

"When did you dye it?" She asked about my hair.

"Two weeks ago. In about three months I'm thinking of dying it a different color. Any ideas?"

"Dark blue." she stated. I smiled.


Soon enough, i was ready to go back down and be taken on a tour of the house.

"Thank you for helping." I smiled, she nodded and left.

I fell backwards onto the bed, concentrating on the ceiling and if i wanted to go down the the desk as this exact second. then, my thoughts were interrupted by the receptionist coming on the intercom.

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now