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It was two hours before Jaycee's checkout time, and Vic was getting really impatient. God Dammit, he thought. He really wanted his baby girl home, but it wasn't time yet. Vic dropped Jaycee's hand as he heard the hospital door open.

"Hey, you okay?" Mike asked walking into Jaycee's room. Vic shushed him, motioning to the sleeping Jaycee in the hospital bed.

"I'm fine. How's Tone holding up? He was a mess when you guys came up here the other day." Vic whispered before taking a hold of Jaycee's hand again.

"He's getting better, still upset but getting better," Mike replied standing up. He nudged Jaycee.

Her eyes shot open before complaining about how it was 'too bright'. Mike's phone rang

"Hello?...No...Yes...McCall....Jaycee...two e's...and a -y....No....okay..., bye."

"Who was that?" Vic asked as Mike sat down beside him.

"The social worker. He wanted some more information on her and I just told him to look in her file." Vic's mouth formed an 'o' shape and turned back to Jaycee.

"Vic, where's my necklace?" Jaycee asked, grasping her neck for the necklace she has been wearing for almost a year now. It was the one Vic and Mike picked out for her before they adopted her. She hasn't taken it off since then and now it was gone. She started to panic.

"Jaycee, calm down. The doctors took it off so you wouldn't choke yourself in your sleep. Don't worry, it's right here-" He stopped abruptly. "Umm, it's here," He said, searching his pockets for something that wasn't there.

"Vic?" Jaycee spoke up after two minutes of him searching.

"Jaycee, baby, I can't find it. It was in my pocket and now it's gone. I'm sure it'll turn up, though." He said cautiously. Tears started to prick at Jaycee's eyes.

"Vic, I love that necklace," She said, a tear falling down her cheek.

"Mr. Fuentes, Jaycee is free to go home now. Just let me get a release form and you can take her home." The doctor said in a monotone voice as he walked into Jaycee's hospital room.

"I have to find my necklace first!" Jaycee spat. Vic raised his hands to try to get her to calm down but she just cried.

"Found it!" Mike exclaimed holding the necklace in the air. It was a silver chain that had a solid gold heart on it. Jaycee treasured it.

"Mikey! Thank you so much." She said, grabbing her shoes. Vic put the necklace back around her neck and helped her stand up.

"Are you feeling alright?" Vic asked, holding her arm so she wouldn't fall.

"I'm fine," Jaycee replied, brushing down her long red hair. "Can I dye my hair?" She asked.

Mike and Vic exchanged looks before they nodded. Jaycee's face lit up.

"Thanks!" She said before slipping her shoes on and rushing out the door.

Vic and Mike both signed the released form and they left. Finally, Vic thought.

Sorry for the late update guys, I've been extremely busy with school, honors Lit. and Honors Biology. And in between all of that I have to deal with my self-harm and depression. Sorry again! I love y'all.

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now