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I sat behind the stage crying. 

"Why? Why can't I be as strong as Teagan? Why can't I handle the hate like she can?" I mumbled to myself.

"Jaycee?" I heard Jaime's voice sound from the side stage. I quickly wiped the tears away and stood up trying to act like nothing was wrong.

"Back here," I said loud enough so he could hear it.

"What's wrong?" he said rushing to me. Well shit.


"You want to sit with us during the meet and greet, Jaycee?" Vic asked as he sat in his chair.

"Uh, sure," I said hesitantly before sitting next to him.

"Great!" He said before signing stuff for the fans.

"Jaycee, right?"  I looked up from my drawing to see a girl with bright green hair standing in front of me.

"Uh, are?"

"You're worst fucking nightmare." She spat. "Stay away from Tony and Jaime or else I'll kill you," She said grabbing my shirt. How is Vic not seeing this? 


"Alright, Tootle loo!" She said, cheerfully, before skipping off.

"Alright," I mumbled.

"Slut." someone scoffed. 


"Why would they adopt someone who looks like that?" 

"Who knows what was going through their heads."




"I'm going to go to the bathroom.," I mumbled to Vic. He nodded his head while signing something for a fan and I walked off. Going to the bathroom, my ass.


"And now, we're here." I said softly.

"How did Vic not notice that?!" Jaime yelled. I cringed, but quickly softened up.

"That's what I want to know!" I raised my voice.

"Hey, Jaycee!" 

"Not now, Justin." We both said in unison. He raised his hands in defense and walked away.

"I'm going to have a talk with him." Jaime said before storming off. Alrighty then. 

I followed behind Jaime. I'm going to try something I haven't tried since I was adopted. Vic is my Dad, yet I haven't called him dad..

"Daddy.." I said quietly while sitting back down next to Vic. He turned to me with wide eyes.

"You called me...You. I can't believe it. Mike, Jaycee called me Daddy!" He's acting like I'm a baby..

"Daddy.. I need to talk to you." I said seriously. He calmed down and turned around to me with a serious look on his face.


"You want to sit with us during the meet and greet, Jaycee?" Vic asked as he sat in his chair.

"Uh, sure." I said hesitantly before sitting next to him.

"Great!" He said before signing stuff for the fans.

"Jaycee, right?"  I looked up from my drawing to see a girl with bright green hair standing in front of me.

"Uh, are?"

"You're worst fucking nightmare." She spat. "Stay away from Tony and Jaime or else I'll kill you. Same goes with Vic and Mike." She said grabbing my shirt. How is Vic not seeing this? 

"Uh..How am I supposed to stay away from my family?" I questioned. Her face turned bright red.

"Figure it out." Venom filled her voice. I rolled my eyes, trying not to let it get to me. I mean, how in the hell am I going to be able to stay away from my family? "Alright, Tootle loo!" She said, cheerfully, before skipping off.

"Alright." I mumbled.

"Slut." someone scoffed. 


"Why would they adopt someone who looks like that?" 

"Who knows what was going through their heads."




"I'm going to go to the bathroom.." I mumbled to Vic. He nodded his head while signing something for a fan and I walked off. Going to the bathroom, my ass.


"How did I not notice that?! And why didn't you tell me!?" He yelled, recieving stares from bystanders.

"I don't know, you tell me." I smarted off. 

"Jaycee, when something like this happens, you need to tell me. Especially if one of our so called fans are harrasing you. We need to know these things...I need to know these things so I can stop you from hurting yourself again." He solemly said.

"You were too busy signing stuff for your fans. I didn't want to interrupt you and put you in a bad mood for the rest of the day.." I softly said.

"Who was it?"

"She never told  me her name. All I know is she had bright green hair and purple contacts." I answered.

"Gotchya," Dad said turning back to one of the girls standing in front of the table.

"That's her." I whispered into Dad's ear when she came back up, receiving an autograph from Mike. Dad whispered something into Tony's ear and Tony whispered something in Jaime's before she got to them. None of them gave her an autograph, but Dad gave her something when she got to him.

"Why the hell would you tell my daughter to stay away from me and her family?" He spat. She looked stunned when he said that but started talking seconds later.

"Because she needs to learn when to stop being a slut. She's obviously trying to do stuff Tony and Jaime, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was trying stuff with you and Mike, too." She laughed, rolling her eyes. Tony, Mike, and Jaime all stood up and started yelling for security. 

"Jaycee hasn't tried anything with any of us, no how about you stop saying shit about my daughter and get on with your life!" Vic finally yelled, causing fans to come around and start screaming at her, too.

If I haven't mentioned this before, I am now. I completely love these guys. The fans, too. The real ones and I love Dad, Mike, Tony, and Jaime. I don't think I've really ever had anyone stand up for me the way they are, and you know what? It feels good to have someone care about you when no one has your whole life. It's such an amazing feeling, you don't even know.

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now