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I woke up to hear the guys arguing outside. I've never heard them argue this intense before.

"No, you don't know. Tone, you aren't going to date her unless we all know for sure she likes you. And right now, she's asleep and will not be awoken just for this." I heard Vic snap. What are they talking about?

I got out of my bunk and went to sit on the couch when I saw Tony walk onto the bus.

"What was that about? I heard Vic yell." I said, sitting down. His eyes went wide.

"I'll tell you later.." He stuttered. Okay then.

"I'll just call Teagan." I said, standing up and walking to my bunk.

Then I remembered, I had no phone. And neither did she.

"Victor!"I yelled just to hear the door slam shut and footsteps coming quickly towards me.

"What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" He asked, checking my wrists. I laughed.

"Can I use your phone to call Kellin so I can talk to Teagan?" I asked quickly. He looked confused for a minute, but then nodded and handed me his phone.

"Don't talk for to long, I need my phone to talk to Danielle." He said before walking out.

I dialed Kellin's number.


"Kellin, it's Jaycee. Can I talk to Teagan?" I asked. I heard a 'hmm' and then Teagan's voice.

"Jaycee!" She squealed.

"Teagan! I miss you!" I laughed into the phone.

"I miss you, too! How's it going over there?" She asked.

"The guys were arguing over something earlier. Over something stupid probably." I laughed.

Vic walked into the lounge area.

"I need to talk to you Jaycee. You'll have to talk to Teagan later." He said with a frustrated tone of voice. I nodded and Teagan and I said our goodbyes.

Then I let Vic talk.

"You heard us arguing earlier didn't you." I nodded and he let out a sigh.

"What was it about?" I questioned. He hesitantly bit his lip. "Vic?"

"Tony wants...um..Tone, wanted to tell us that, um.." He stuttered. I urged him on, "Tone likes you." he finally spit out. Wait, what?

"No one likes me..I'm not likable. He's crazy if he thinks he likes me." I said. Vic pulled me into a hug.

"There's nothing wrong with you Jaycee. You're perfect the way you are and any guy would be lucky to have you. And I, being your dad, will do anything in my power to make sure you're happy." he said squeezing my arm.

I looked up at him, surprised at his words.

"I love you Vic." I said without thinking. He looked shocked.

"I love you, too Jaycee. Get some sleep, we'll talk about this in the morning." He smiled, before walking out.

I fell asleep almost instantly.

Does he really like me?

Or is this all just a joke?

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now