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I rode in the van with my new family, while also being questioned by my new guardian, Vic.

"It wasn't intentional." I groaned. He looked at me with a disappointed expression on his face.

"I know. I could tell." was all he said before he turned back around. Great, my new Dad already hates me.

"Tell us about yourself Jaycee." Tony said, breaking the silence.

"Not much to tell, so why tell it at all?" I asked. Mike looked at me with a confused look.

"Rough childhood?" Jaime questioned. I just nodded and looked back out the window.

I hope Teagan was having more fun than this.


We got to the house, and Vic took me up to my new room. He instantly started talking about what happened thirty minutes ago.

"Why'd you have a razor in your pocket?" He asked quickly.

"Protection?" I questioned. He shook his head.

"This may be too forward, but you self harm?" I nodded. He embraced me into a hug.

"Don't ever do that again. If you do feel like doing it again, come straight to me. I have a history with self harming and I almost recently broke down, but I didn't do it. I stopped myself because I want to be a good influence on Mike, and now you. So please promise me you will come to me if you ever feel the need to do it again?" He rambled.

"I promise." I stated. He pulled me into another hug.

"Okay, the guys will be up here to help you unpack in a few minutes. I'll go get some food. What do you like?" He asked. I pondered the question for a good twenty seconds until I finally answered.

"Taco Bell." He nodded and walked out. A few minutes later Tony, Mike, and Jaime walked in.

"Hey-o Jaycee!" Jaime laughed.

"Sup Hime-Time?" I joked back. He smiled at the nickname and started unpacking my bags.

"Victor's going to get Taco Bell!!!" Mike yelled from my bathroom.

"Nah shit." I laughed.

I think I'm actually going to like this family.


"Teagan!" I yelled as she ran through the front door with Kellin following her trail. I laughed as she engulfed me into a tight hug. Next was Kellin. 

We got through with all the hugs and mushy shit, and sat down with the guys. Taco Bell was sitting on the dinning room table, but no one has touched it yet.

Everyone, besides me and Teagan, were on their phones. We didn't have phones. I broke mine yesterday by throwing it on the concrete before I got to the Foster Home. I was pissed off at my parents so I just threw it down and stepped on it.

Teagan's never had a phone, but she had a computer. 

I got up and took Vic's laptop off of the counter. "You don't mind if I use this do you?" I asked before sitting back down.

"You're family, nah I don't mind." He smiled. I sat down and logged onto twitter.

@piercethevic: We took matters into our own hands today and got a new addition to the family! @jayceemccall Love you Jaycee!

@ptvmike: @jayceemccall: New niece! So happy we finally have a girl in the house now! Love you Jayceee!

@ptvjaime: @jayceemccall: My new (technically) niece is so beautiful! So fucking happy I'm not the youngest anymore!

@tonyperry: @jayceemccall: Our new Niece :) Love you beautiful!

"Awe guys, I love y'all too!" I said jumping up and bringing the four of them into my arms for a group hug. They smiled and hugged back.

"Make yourself comfortable, we'll bring you some Tacos!" Jaime shouted. I laughed and sat back down.

I could get used to this.

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now