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Just a few more hours....just a few more hours...I can do this. No I, can't I can't do this.

I grabbed onto Vic's arm with shaking hands.

"What's wrong?" He whispered. I shook my head.

"I can't be here any longer." I whimpered. He raised his eyebrows and then stood up. 

"Well, Ma, Pa. It's time for us to go. Jaycee here needs to get a nap so she won't be grouchy later." Him and Mike laughed while I glared at them with hard eyes.

"Alright boys, stay safe. You too, Jaycee." Their mother said, patting my back. I nodded and after they all hugged, I ran to the car stealing the front seat before Mike could take it.

"Hey! Not fair!" Mike pouted. I stuck my tongue out and laughed.

"Loser." Vic laughed as he hit Mike's arm.

"Shutup, idiot." Mike spat.

"Oh brothers" I chuckled.

"Can we get Zaxby's? Pleaseeeeee" I begged.

"Yeah, Vic. Can we?" Mike backed me up. I mentally high five him for that.

"I suppose." Vic groaned.

"Yayy!" Mike and I screamed as Vic pulled out of their parents' driveway.


"Vic...I don't feel so good." I groan after eating a few fries and a piece of chicken. 

"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" He spoke quickly before checking my head to see if I was running a temperature.

"Just my stomach and my legs are throbbing." I mumbled.

"Jaycee." Vic scolded. I shook my head.

"No, not because of that. I really don't know why." I shrugged.

"Well, Jaycee. I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry I don't know what to do. Um, go take some Advil and lay down. See if that helps." He rambled, but I nodded and took an Advil after putting my food in the microwave.

"Feel better, Jaycee." Vic whispered as I got a glass of water and two advil before laying down.


While I was laying down, I was thinking....I don't deserve the guys. I love them to bits and pieces, but I don't deserve everything they give me. Since I've met them, I've gotten a new house, new family, new clothes, and a new collection of trinkets. I don't deserve any of it, though. I did deserve the bullet to the back by my real father, but I don't deserve being loved and cared for as much as Vic, Mike, Jaime, and......Tony. Oh my god, Tony! 

I jumped up and slowly went into the back lounge to see Tony sitting their practicing his guitar riffs. Amazing, might I say.

"Tony.." I softly spoke. He heard me, unfortunately.

"Jaycee! I haven't seen you since the other day, considering you, Vic, and Mike were out today, I was out yesterday, and then y'all went to the mall the day before. I missed Jaycee-Bear!" 

He hugged me.

He hugged me.

Tony hugged me.

He cares.


Sorry if it sucks! I haven't had the motivation to write lately and this is about all the motivation I had in me for today, so I finished what I was writing for you all. I hope you like it, honestly. I've had a rough time lately and I just haven't been happy enough or motivated to write. Honestly hope you give me some feedback on this chapter and I'm wanting to know how long should I make this story? Tell me in the comments :)

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now