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Jaycee was still asleep, and Vic was still sitting at her side. Alone this time. The others went home about an hour ago, leaving Vic alone with Jaycee.

"Mr. Fuentes." The doctor said as he walked into her room. Vic's head shot up. You could see the hope in Vic's eyes as he stared the doctor down.

"yes?" His voice cracked, as he held his tears back.

"Ms. McCall's gunshot wound is healing tremendously, and she should be awakening any moment now." Dr. Kelly said, motioning to Jaycee. Vic nodded, as the doctor walked out of the room. He put his head down while he was holding onto her hand.

He hasn't let go of her hand since he got here.

"Shit." Jaycee mumbled, holding her head with her free hand. Vic's head shot up.

"Jaycee." He breathed. She gave him a soft smile, before laying her head back down. Her breath was slow and shakey.

"Vic.." she mumbled, trying to catch her breath.

"I'm here, Jaycee. I've been here this whole time." Vic smiled, squeezing her hand.

"Can I go home?" her scratchy voice sounded. Vic closed his eyes tightly.

"We have to keep you in here for a few days, because of your gunshot wound. I'm sorry Jaycee, you can't go home yet." Vic breathed. He really didn't want her to stay in the hospital another day, he wanted her back on the bus. He wanted her home. 

Pierce The Veil canceled the rest of their dates on Warped Tour, due to the fact that Jaycee is in the hospital. They didn't want Vic to leave her side.

Since Vic was the closest member to her, he chose to stay with her throughout the whole time. Tony, Mike, and Jaime came to visit her a few times, but never stayed longer than an hour.

Tony was a wreck.

Jaime, well, he was angry at her father.

Mike was getting high more often.

And Vic? Well, he started self harming again. He didn't like the fact that he couldn't stop Jaycee's father from shooting her.


"I can't." Vic whispered to himself, as he was standing in front of the mirror.

"Vic? Are you alright?" Mike's voice came from outside the bathroom door. Vic glanced down at the shiny piece of metal in his hand. His thighs, and wrists were covered in new cuts. He thought it was his own fault that Jaycee got shot.

"Y-yeah." He finally croaked out. Mike let out a slightly audible 'mhm' and walked away, leaving Vic and his razor alone.

"It's all my fault." He let out, tears streaming down his face.

"We're leaving Vic. Are you going to stay or not?" Jaime asked from outside the hospital bathroom.

"Staying." Vic answered, putting another cut on his right thigh. There was a little bit of shuffling, and then the hospital room door shut.

Five more cuts, and a lot of blood later....Vic bandaged himself up and walked back to his daughter's side.

"I'm sorry Jaycee." 

End of Flashback

"Vic? Are you okay??" Jaycee asked, placing her little hand on Vic's face.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." He said quickly, before standing up to talk to the doctor.

"Is she going to be able to come home before Thursday?" Vic asked.

"She will be able to go home tomorrow, if she keeps taking her medicine regularly." The doctor replied.

"Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic." Jaycee whined. 

Vic scurried over to her side. "Yes?" He asked, jittery.

"What's the day?" 

"Tuesday, you'll be able to come home tomorrow if you jeep taking your medicine regularly." He repeated what the doctor had said to him.

Jaycee nodded, before sleep overtook her body.

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now