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I ran down the stairs, fixing my beanie, and pulling up my pants that were falling down, just to run into the lead singer of Pierce The Veil. I stood there in awe for at least a minute.

"Excuse me for a second." I said before running back up the stairs, and banging on Teagan's door.

"Yes?" She asked before I barged into her room.

"They're here." I said frantically.


"Them!" I squealed as I pointed to the Pierce The Veil poster she had. Her eyes went wide.

"I-I didn't think they'd actually come." She stuttered. I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I e-mailed them last night saying how there was a new girl here that loved them so much, as I could tell anyways. But I said that she would love it if they would take the time to come down here, and see if they'd be interested in adopting her. Her being you." She finished. I smiled and instantly enveloped her into a hug.

"Thank you so much." I said while hugging her.

"Now go back down there." She smiled. I started to walk away, but then I stopped, grabbed her wrist and pulled her down there with me.(A/N: Picture of Teagan to the side) 

"Sorry about that." I smiled, facing the band again, with Teagan beside me.

"So who's the one who e-mailed us?" Jaime asked.

"I did." Teagan spoke up.

"Teagan right?" Mike asked.

"Yup, that's me!" She smiled. Vic walked over to give her a hug, and Tony gave one to me.

"Ms. Castale, can we adopt Jaycee?" Tony asked the old woman. 

"And can we adopt Teagan?" Kellin Quinn asked, barging through the front doors. I looked over at Teagan with wide eyes. Teagan's blue eyes went wide and then she just started smiling.

"Thank you for bringing me down here." She whispered to me.

"Sign here and here, Mr. Fuentes. And Mr. Quinn, sign here." Ms. Castale said, pointing to random spots on the papers.

"Teagan, Jaycee go get your stuff." Jaime said. The two of us ran up the stairs and to our rooms. All i had to do was take down my posters and new mirror, since I hadn't unpacked any of my bags.

"Shit! Fuck!" I yelled as the razor in my pocket dug into my leg.

"Jaycee? Are you okay?" I heard Vic ask as he walked up the stairs.

"Uhm, yeah I'm fine." I said back as he walked into my room. I positioned the razor a different way.

"You sure? Why'd you scream?" He questioned.

"I'm fine." I assured him, but obviously, he didn't believe it.

"Then why is your leg bleeding?!"

"Uhmmmmm, period?" 

"Bullshit." He stated, grabbed my arm, and pulled me into the bathroom. 

"What?" I asked.

"Pull the pants down and show me your leg."

I hesitantly pulled down my pants to reveal a huge gash. But I quickly pulled them back up.

"Come on." He said pulling my hand grabbing my suitcases, skateboard, and my mirror. 

"Teagan? Are you ready?!" I yelled as I was being drug down the stairs.

"Yeah!" she said running out of her room and followed us.

"Are we ready to go?" Kellin and Mike asked in unison. Teagan and I nodded and we left.

This should be interesting..

Adopted by Pierce The Veil {Book 1} *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now