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The second Talia Sullivan-Forbes caught wind of the fact that her sister, Caroline Forbes, was in the hospital after a nasty car accident, she hightailed it out of the exciting city New Orleans to trade the scenery for the tragic town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. It was a long drive, but it wasn't like she could really afford to take a flight. After all, it probably would have taken longer anyway what with customs and stuff.

She passed the familiar sign in her 2007, black Chevy Impala, a car she miraculously got at $2,800 although it smelled like cigarettes, and watched as the check engine light came on.

"Really?" she muttered. "Right now? What the hell!"

She ignored it, hoping she could make it to Mystic Falls Hospital and take care of car troubles later, but it was wishful thinking. About thirty seconds after she continued driving, the car started sputtering. Being smart, she pulled into the Mystic Grill parking lot, shut off her car, took the keys, and continued her journey on foot. She memorized the town like the back of her hand despite not being there for years.

She was at a party in New Orleans when she got the call, so she shoved a few clothes in a bag and drove to Virginia in a flashy party outfit, ridiculously high heels included, causing her to slip them off and carry them in her arms as she broke into a sprint to the hospital. Who knew how Caroline was doing? Sheriff Liz Forbes (nicknamed "Sheriff Mom" by Talia) gave her updates on the drive, but for the past hour and a half, it was silent.

What a sight to see: Talia Sullivan-Forbes was back in town in a flashy, provocative, dress without shoes on running as fast as she could. There was no doubt that her excessive, cheap makeup was dripping down her face due to the annoying amount of sweat dripping from her face.

It took a dreadfully long fifteen minutes to get to the hospital running. At least she didn't need to find a parking spot.

When she stepped into the hospital, the receptionist stared at the woman in horror and confusion.

"I ran here," Talia explained. "Wait, I don't have to explain myself. Where's Caroline Forbes? She's my sister."

"Oh she's uh..." the receptionist began, nervously looking for papers on her messy desk.

"I'll take you to her," a woman said, smiling as she led her to the elevator and pressed the correct floor number.

"Thank you so much," Talia murmured, wiping sweat off her forehead. "I'm Talia Forbes."

"Meredith Fell," she introduced herself with a smile. "Kind of a new doctor here, but I got the ins and outs of this place."

"Really, Meredith, I can't thank you enough."

The smile never left her face as the elevator doors opened and Talia took off into a sprint, hoping to find Liz Forbes or one of Caroline's friends.

"Thank you!" Talia shouted again as she ran into Bonnie Bennett. "Sorry, Bonnie."

"Talia?" she asked, trying to make sure she wasn't a local drunk. She looked like one.

"Yes. It's me. Where's Care?"

"I'm going to see her now. Follow me, I guess."

The two rounded the corner to find Matt Donovan sitting on a chair outside of Caroline's room, head in his hands.

"Matt!" Bonnie said, relieved. "Oh God, Matt. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he said nervously, tucking his hands into his jean pockets. "Talia? You're back in town."

"Yep," Talia answered just as nervously. "Thank you, Sherlock. Sorry, I'm snippy. How is Caroline?"

"Do you want the truth?"

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