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"Tell me you see them too," Talia whispered to Klaus.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have hurriedly let go of you," Klaus responded. "He's your father. I want to make a good impression."

"I can't believe it," she said, standing up and hugging her father for the first time in years. "You're really here."

"Thank the Bennett witch for that," Sam Sullivan said, wrapping his daughter in a fatherly embrace. "I knew I had to see you for what little time we had."

"I miss you so much," she cried into his shoulder. "Nothing's the same."

"If I had the choice, I wouldn't have left," he said. "Damn vampires."

"Dark shadows like to lurk in the road, I guess."

"Yes, I know. I'm glad Liz killed the one that totaled your car."

"It was a good car too."

He chuckled and broke the hug, wiping the tears off his daughter's cheek as he said, "I wish you didn't have a target on your back."

"I'm the one to blame for that, mate," Klaus piped in. "Or sir, rather."

"I see you lack your brother's tact," the man observed. "How is Elijah? Oh, right. My dear friend's in a box. You're the one to blame for that, mate."

"This is where she gets it from," Jenna Sommers said in slight amusement.

"There is so much I wish to tell you, ma fille chérie," he said, stroking her hair. "But I believe Jenna wants to speak with you first before she goes."

"Her and Klaus," she said.

"Is this a private matter? I can go if I have to."

"It's up to everyone. I'm fine with him staying."

"Then I am too," Talia said.

"And Klaus?"

"It'd be rude to say no," Klaus responded. "I'm fine with him staying."

"Alright." Jenna sat Talia down on the bed beside Klaus, watching with interest as their hands immediately sought out the other. "You really love her, don't you?"

"I do," Klaus said. "I'm not afraid to admit it."

"And you're damn lucky she loves you," she said.

"I am."

"Talia, you love him," she said. "And I know you feel guilty about it even though it's fate and shit. Because of me."

"What are you talking about?" Talia asked, subconsciously picking at the skin on her thumb. 

Jenna approached her and lifted up her hand, pointing out, "You pick at the skin on your fingers when you're anxious, more specifically when you lie."

"No, I don't," she said, her finger reaching for her thumb. "Okay. Maybe you've got a point."

"I really hate serious talk, but I'm dead and this is probably the last time I'll ever be able to talk to you," Jenna began. "I miss you tons and I watch you from over here. I know you love Klaus, even though he is a dick. I also know you're holding back because you feel like you're betraying me because you love the guy."

"I'm not holding back," she said. "If anything, it's moving a little faster than normal relationships. Reasonably so."

"You're soulmates. He's waited centuries for you and you've waited years for him. I'm surprised you haven't jumped his bones yet. I know you guys are going slow as you can for soulmates, but I know you still have your...reservations. You've got a blockade. You feel bad about it sometimes."

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