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Talia began straightening the dress Elijah so graciously provided for the Historical Society's tea party at the Lockwood mansion. He had requested he stayed by her side for her own protection and then also charmingly added he wanted the pleasure of her company.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts as she approached with a small smile tugging her lips.

"How am I not surprised that you're dressed in a suit and tie, suit and tie?" Talia greeted.

"The nickname should tip you off," he responded. "Talia, you look beautiful."

"Thanks. You happen to look dashing yourself."

"Thanks." He checked his watch. "Carol Lockwood will be expecting us soon. We should leave."

"Good to know."

The car ride was mostly silent until they finally arrived at the Lockwood mansion. 

"Hello again, Talia," Carol greeted kindly, politely hugging Talia before holding out her hand to Elijah's. "Elijah Smith, right?"

"Correct, Mayor Lockwood," he responded, taking that hand and kissing it like a gentleman. "You have such a lovely home."

"Thank you," she said. "Come on inside."

The pair entered the home to find the party was already buzzing slightly, as much as a boring tea party can really buzz. They were instantly provided cups of tea. Elijah sipped his drink lightly and Talia spiked hers as soon as she got the right moment.

"So, Mr. Smith, what are you doing in the area?" Carol asked.

"I happen to be writing a book about the history of Virginia," he replied. "And please, call me Elijah."

"Alright, Elijah. Are you focusing on small areas of Virginia or overall history?"

"I am focusing on small areas that tell the story of the state as a whole, really delving into the essence of what Virginia really is."

"That sounds so fascinating. Oh, and feel free to call me Carol."

"Thank you, Carol."

"It seems you and Talia know each other. How did you two meet?"

"We met at Stanford," Talia replied, knowing Elijah probably couldn't guess where she had gone to college. "We were both history majors and met in a study group. We've kept in contact ever since." 

"Oh, how sweet! Are you two together?"

Talia refrained from laughing as she said, "We're just friends that share a mutual interest in history, Mayor Lockwood."

"I'm sorry for asking."

"That's perfectly fine. Elijah, why not tell Carol about how you plan to take Mystic Falls history into your book?"

He almost shot her a 'why the hell did you say that' look before Carol replied, "That sounds wonderful! Who knew our little town would be important enough for Virginia history?"

"It has a rich history, of course," said Elijah. "Small towns sometimes hold a richer history than you would think."

"Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book?" she asked. "There's such a wealth of history there."

"No," he replied. "I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic."

"That's fascinating."

When Talia heard Jenna say, "Damon, what are you doing here?" she began chugging her spiked tea, knowing confrontation would break out or the two would trade snide remarks until she died of boredom.

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