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"Any special plans for you today?" Talia asked, lounged about in the bathtub in the bathroom adjoined to Klaus's bedroom in the mansion. It was one of the few rooms already built and deemed livable, so she decided to break in the luxury bathtub with a bubble bath, not that Klaus minded, of course.

"I still intend to find Stefan," Klaus answered, slipping on a shirt. 

"Remember what we talked about?" she asked.

"Disembowelment?" he responded.

"That's the one." She grinned cutely.

"I didn't really plan on disemboweling him today. And what is with the sudden fascination of torture?"

"It's more of a joke, but also not really. I'm upset he took your family too. He stole suit and tie and remember the last time someone did that?"

"What did you do?"

"Well, nothing now that I think about it. I screamed at a teenage girl. Hmm. I should really have throttled her for it now that I think about it. Is it too late to do that?"

"I'm supposed to be the sensible one," he teased.

"Maybe that's why we complement each other so well. We're both basket cases." 

"You're not a basket case. Slightly unhinged? Maybe. I hear being around me long enough tends to do that to someone."

"That's fair." She smiled up at him. "You look cute today. Intimidating to others, but very handsome to me."

"Thank you, darling." He approached the bathtub and gave her a small kiss. "Do you have any plans today?"

"It's Caroline's birthday," she said with a grin. "I was working on a painting portrait of her, Sheriff Mom, and I because we never could afford to take a family photo. I think she'll love it."

"Her 18th?" he asked.

"Yeah. Chances are she won't want to celebrate because she's a vampire now and won't be able to physically age, but I will do all in my powers to make her happy today."

"You're a really good sister, you know that?"

"Well, thank you. I'll be sure to tell her."

"You know what I mean. You're good with people."

"To an extent. If we saw Stefan again, I may not be good with people."

"Ah, yes. The elusive Stefan."

"That gang is really...I don't know anymore. I heard Jeremy killed Tony. I'm so sorry."

"Me too." He kissed her cheek.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"If you find Stefan, keep Jonas away from him. And away from Tyler, too. Care just broke up with Tyler and I want that kid to be safe. Care really likes him."

"Of course."

"And be safe."

"You too, darling." He kissed her. "I hate to leave."

"Go find him."

"I'll see you later."

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too." 

He gave her one last kiss before he had to head out, calling the hybrids to see if there had been any sightings of Stefan Salvatore since he was still technically in hiding.

She drained the bathtub moments later, glad she didn't almost drown, and wrapped herself in a towel. It was then that it dawned on her that she didn't have a spare set of clothes. Instead of redressing in her dirty clothes, she snatched some of Klaus's clothes to wear at least until she could get back to her apartment. She was sure he wouldn't mind at all.

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