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Talia spent a good amount of time with Klaus and whenever she wasn't with him, she hung out with Jonas and the other hybrids. She also drove Caroline right out of town every once in a while so she could see Jonas. They weren't exactly dating, but they were together and it killed Caroline when she had to leave him and go back to Mystic Falls without him.

Talia wished the two could see each other more, but Stefan's deal was in action. Caroline was absolutely miserable when she couldn't have Jonas near and it was only then she realized why Talia and Klaus liked to spend a lot of time together and why Talia was with them despite everything that happened. And why Klaus decided he was going to at least try to do better by her. It made complete sense to her.

One night after bringing Caroline back to Mystic Falls, Talia went back to her apartment and showered. She dressed in her bathrobe and exited the bathroom, resolving to sit in quiet with a glass of wine and a book, enjoying some peace and quiet.

She grabbed Wuthering Heights and entered the living room, shaking her head at the scene laid before her.

"Are you breaking and entering, Nik?" Talia teased, seeing Klaus on the couch with two glasses on the coffee table accompanied by a bottle of wine.

"I've already been invited in," Klaus replied. "But where are my manners? Might I come in?"

"Mi casa es su casa," she replied, picking at her bathrobe. "You didn't give me time to dress up."

"I think you look great," he responded with a growing smirk.

"Of course you do." She smiled. "Pour me a glass."

He did so and handed it to her. She sat on his lap and curled up against him.

"You got a nice pinot noir. How did you know I wanted wine?"

"You always want wine."

"Yeah, you're right." She kissed his cheek.

"Did you want alone time?"

"I was planning on it, but you being here makes it better."

"Go ahead and read your book. I'll be right here."

"Aren't you gonna get bored?"

"I could never get bored watching you."

She chuckled. "Who knew you were so sappy? I adore it."

"Thanks, love." He kissed her cheek.

She lounged about on his lap with her head snuggled into his chest as she began reading her book. Klaus had a glass of wine in one hand and rubbed her back with the other, watching her intently.

The two sat in silence, the only sounds being that of wine-sipping and page-turning. It wasn't awkward at all, the two enjoying being in each other's company. At one point, Talia stated that reading was getting a little dull since she felt a headache coming on, so Klaus began reading aloud to her. She absolutely loved the sound of his voice and listened closely.

When he closed the book, she nearly sighed. She loved hearing him read to her and her mind began racing with thoughts. He picked up on it.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Klaus asked.

"I'm just thinking," Talia replied. "I never really thought about it before, but you reading... it made me think."

"Think about what?" he asked, turning his attention to what she had to say.

"I know we can never be parents," she responded. "And that kinda blows. Especially since, despite the fact that you are crazy dramatic and find yourself in all sorts of trouble, I think you'd be a good father."

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