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Spending every day with Stefan "the rippah" Salvatore and Klaus "the murderous hybrid" Mikaelson was not what Talia "the Empath" Sullivan envisioned in her five-year plan, but shit happens.

She found that no matter how ruthless Klaus was towards others, he never showed anything but care for her. He might have been rude once in a while, but he treated her so gently, like something so fragile he was afraid to break.

As it was every afternoon, Talia woke up late one day feeling dead. She was deteriorating and it was getting harder to hide, but it was a slow burn kill. Klaus noticed this and poured two glasses of wine, leaving room for more. In one glass, he allowed some of his blood to drip into the wine, creating a twisted version of a bloody mary, and handing it over.

"Thanks," she murmured, sipping the glass as he sipped his bloodless one.

"Not to be rude, but you look awful," he said, brushing away some of her hair from her face. "Do you need anything, love?"

"I'm all set," she assured. "Thanks."

"You sure?" he asked.

"I'm sure."

He sat on the far edge of the bed, keeping his distance, and watched as she finished the glass quickly. She was already beginning to look better.

"Where's Stefan?" she asked, looking around the room to find he was absent.

"Running some errands," he responded. "Grabbing a bite to eat."

She rolled her eyes.

"Do you find him as repulsive as I?" he asked.

"Not even close," she answered. "You're as worse as they come."

"To being repulsive," he toasted, raising his glass.

"I've already drunk."

"It's not too late to toast."

To humor him, she clinked her glass against his and finished whatever was left. When she drained the glass, she handed it back to him and sat back in bed, wishing she could talk to Caroline.

One of the perks of the hybrid's fondness for her was his compliance. If she was feeling blue, he allowed her to call anyone she pleased, a privilege he had yet to give Stefan. If Talia wanted, she could take advantage of his kindness, but knew it wasn't in her nature and despite how draining her powers were, she could pick up his emotions and found no ulterior motive when it came to contacting her family and friends.

She called Caroline and Liz many times and assured them she would be okay when she returned home, knowing the hybrid would, at one point, bring them home. Despite this, she was still very much so in the dark about Elena being alive.

"Do you want to speak with her today?" Klaus asked.

"I'm too tired," she responded.

He leaned forward, touching her forehead with his hand and sighing when he felt it was burning hot. "You're not getting better."

"No kidding."

"I thought I could help."

"You're trying your best," she said sincerely, grabbing one of his hands after knowing he felt true remorse for not being helpful.

"It's not enough."

"And it's not your damn fault that it's not enough, alright?"

He nodded in defeat, suggesting, "One of these days, I'll take you to a witch. I have a few in mind."

"I don't know if you'd want to. Witches don't like you and they're rather finicky."

"I'd do what it takes."

Empath ‣ Klaus Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now