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Klaus and Talia had spent about a week traveling and making hybrids until they finally landed in Portland where a large pack had been. Talia even met up with Howard again who was doing better than ever with a wife and kids. It didn't take much convincing on her end to let Howard stay a werewolf so he wouldn't leave his family behind.

The two had decided to talk a nature walk to enjoy what Portland had to offer when Klaus got a call on his phone. He hesitantly answered and found it was Stefan Salvatore on the other line. Talia patiently waited for the call to end before asking what it was about. When he finally hung up the phone, she got to asking.

"What was that all about?" Talia asked, wrapping an arm around Klaus's waist as they kept walking.

"We have to go back to Mystic Falls," Klaus replied. "It's Mikael. He's daggered."

"Really?" she asked.

"Stefan himself told me," he said. "He can't resist telling me the truth."

"That's what compulsion does to you." She smiled. "He's really gone?"

"That's what they say." He smiled back. "I'll have to double-check, of course, but if what they're saying is true, Mikael is out of our lives for good."

"About time for that, I suppose," she beamed. "So we really have to go back right now?"

"Were you enjoying our vacation?"

"Yeah," she replied with a pout. "We should do this more often."

"Now that we won't have to run in fear, I believe that can be arranged." He placed a quick kiss on her lips. "I can wake my family and after a thousand years, everything will fall into place."

"I'm glad." She smiled. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You being here is enough."

"Stop being cheesy and tell me if you ever really do need my help, okay? I'm not strong, but I'm good at reading emotions and things. What you lack in tact, I make up in charm. We're unstoppable."

"Am I not charming?"

"You are plenty charming, Nik. You just happen to lack tact. Try and say that ten times fast." She grinned.

"I'm happy you're happy." He kissed her nose. "It's time to pack our bags once more."

"Even though you may not be on the run anymore, I think we'll still be living out of suitcases now that you have the freedom to go wherever you want without fear. And, you know, I'll just have to tag along."

"Poor you," he replied sarcastically.

"I'm absolutely miserable. Can't you tell?"

He shook his head in disbelief as the two made it back to the hotel. They stopped along the way to admire nature, but then they had to snap back into reality and head back to Mystic Falls. Klaus compelled a private flight to board the two and all the hybrids that he created. 

When Talia fell asleep beside him, she was relieved to have no dreams of Mikael. No dreams of anyone trying to hurt or kill her. It was refreshing.

When they landed, Talia snatched Klaus's phone to call Rebekah, wondering after all this time how she was doing. When Klaus had left her behind, she made sure to scold him and called Rebekah every day to receive updates on how she was.

"Hello?" greeted Rebekah, the familiar British accent flooding the phone speaker.

"Hello again, Becky," Talia greeted. "How are you doing?"

"I am nervous," she said. "Homecoming and all."

"I'm sure. From what you told me, it's your first dance. You have every right to be nervous. A girl's first high school dance is something you never forget."

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