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A couple of weeks after homecoming, Talia was more upset than ever. Klaus had informed her of the situation and they chased dead end after dead end.

"Stefan Salvatore is so dead," Talia seethed, a cup of coffee held tightly in her hands. 

"Nice to know my anger is valid," Klaus replied, prying the cup from her hands. "I don't want you to break the mug. You'll hurt yourself."

"Thanks," she grumbled, her knuckles turning white. "And of course your anger is valid. Stefan took them all and we've found nothing."

"I know," he replied, taking a sip from his own cup of coffee. "I'm wondering how best to make him suffer."

"Disembowelment should do the trick." She grabbed her cup and took a sip.

"We still wouldn't get their location."

"Then you compel him."

"He's probably back on vervain."

"Then you bleed him dry and compel him once the vervain's out of his system."

"That coward is in hiding."

"Use Damon."

"I've tried. He doesn't know anything."

Talia clenched her jaw and sighed. "I can't imagine how Lily's feeling about all of this."

"I called her earlier. She wasn't pleased."

She wrapped her arms around Klaus, saying, "We're gonna get them back."

"I'll do what it takes to get them back as long as there is no chance you'll be hurt."

"There's always a chance I'll be hurt. I just need to get stronger."

"We'll find the cure to your ailment and you'll be stronger."

"There is no cure for this, Nik," she replied, sitting on the counter as she nursed the mug of coffee. "I'll grow weaker and then we'll decide if I'll become a vampire. If I do, which is most probable, I'll be strong. Right now, I'm weak. I need to start training my powers again."

"Isn't that what got you so weak? Overusing your powers?"

"Well, technically, it's your mother's curse."

"Another reason why I need those coffins back."

She furrowed an eyebrow, asking, "What does Esther have to do with the coffins?"

"Aside from Rebekah, my siblings are in coffins," he replied. "Four coffins, only three belonging to my siblings."

"Is Esther in the fourth?"

He nodded slowly, saying, "And since it was me that ended her life, it's me that will be dead if she wakes."

"Why do you keep her in a coffin?"

"I didn't want to consecrate her and give her the power she needs to kill me. She already has so much on the Other Side. But the other witches want that, hence the nice seal on the coffin and preservation of her body."

"Another loose end."

"You find with me that's rather common." He brushed some of her hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to jump ship."

"I'll never jump ship," she replied. 

"You always have a way out if it's too much."

"I respectfully decline any and all offers of separating." She pecked his lips. "I'm in it for the long haul."

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