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Talia woke up early the next day, showered, got dressed, then received a call from Elena to come to the Salvatore Boarding House. Apparently, everyone had Talia's number.

As she drove up to the boarding house, she noticed another car there and a man a few years older than her approaching the door. She parked her car and approached the man.

"Who are you?" the man asked. "Door to door saleswoman? Jehovah's Witness?"

"Talia Forbes, actually," she introduced. "Got an early morning Elena call about something."

"Me too," he murmured. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Alaric Saltzman, but people call me Ric."

"Then I'll call you Al." She smiled as she opened the door.

"Thanks for coming, Ric!" Damon greeted. "Can I get you something to drink? Coffee? Bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?"

"Wow, Damon," Talia muttered. "Forgetting about your favorite blonde already? If you got coffee brewing, I'll sure take a cup."

"Sorry, Blondie Number Two."

"Elena mentioned you need my help," Alaric interrupted before Damon and Talia could get into an argument.

"Yeah, we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family," Stefan said. 

"Why am I here, then?" Talia asked.

"Well, we thought we could include you in these little meetings now that you're not oblivious and maybe you know something," he said. "Elena actually convinced us since you're Caroline's sister."

"I'm flattered," she responded dryly.

"Why would I know anything about the Lockwoods?" Alaric asked, getting the group back on task.

"Well, you wouldn't, but your dead, not-dead vampire wife might," Damon said.

"Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together," Elena murmured.

"You said that she had spent years researching this town," Stefan added.

"Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction," Ric said.

"Like that amazing vampire story," Damon sassed.

"Aside from vampires, what else?" Elena asked.

"The lycanthrope," Ric answered.

"Wait, like werewolves?"

"No way, impossible, way too Lon Chaney," Damon dismissed.

"Is it?" Stefan pondered."I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some odd years, never came across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"

"Werewolves do exist," Talia piped up. "There's a pack in the bayou in New Orleans because the vampires took over the French Quarter so they moved there after they were nearly all eliminated. There are also a few packs up in the Rockies, and a nice pack in Washington. Howard's a hoot, let me tell you."

"Why should we believe you?" Damon asked.

"Why shouldn't you believe me?" she asked. "I have no reason to lie."

"Listen, Blondie Number Two, you're new here and-" he began.

"You're not nearly as fun as you were in Chicago, Damon Salvatore. If you want to ignore it, then fine. Get bit by a werewolf and die. I've been around, so I've seen a few things and I can sense supernatural presences by their emotions."

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