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It wasn't long before Talia received a phone call from Jenna. She was surprised, seeing as the last time that happened, Jenna roped her into a charity event. This time, it was different.

"Hello?" Talia answered, wondering what on Earth Jenna could want or need.

"Hey, Talia," Jenna responded, sniffling a bit.

"What's wrong?" she asked immediately. "Do you need me to come and get you?"

"No," she murmured. "Not right now. Maybe later."

"Well, wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"Um, do you know someone named Isobel Flemming?"

"I've heard of her. Isn't she Alaric's dead wife?"

"Subtract the dead part. She's alive, and admitted she's Elena's mother."

"I didn't know that. Wow."

"Yeah. My own niece and my boyfriend were lying to me. Elena's a teenager, but I didn't think she was lying to me. And Alaric...I thought we were honest with each other."

"Does he know?"

"Yeah. He does."

"Jenna, do you need to go out for drinks?"

"No, but I think I changed my mind. Can you pick me up?"

"Of course. Where are we going?"

"Do you think you could drop me off at the campus? Whitmore, if you didn't remember."

"Grab whatever you need. I'll be there soon."

"Thank you. Wait, are you sure? It's a long drive."

"Frankly, we both need a break. I'm fine driving you."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem. I'll be there soon."

She hung up the phone and started the car, sad to know her day wasn't over but Jenna needed a friend so she'd pull through.

The car rolled up to the Gilbert driveway and Jenna came out with her jacket and bag, shoving them into the back before hopping into the passenger's seat with a sad smile.

The two began their journey to Whitmore College silently with nothing but the radio filling the silence. Jenna leaned against the seat and then started anxiously bounding one of her legs up and down.

"Jenna, I love you, but you're shaking the car," Talia murmured.

"Oh," she whispered hoarsely. "Sorry."

"Tell me what happened," she begged. "Please."

"I did. Ric's wife is alive and Elena's mother."

"I got that."

"They lied to me about it."

"I got that too."

"That's all."

"I don't think it is."

She sighed. "She showed up to my doorstep. My home."

"And it only took a second to shake your world, right?"

"Yeah. As I said, I thought Elena and I were honest with each other and I thought Rick and I were honest with each other. It seems I'm the only honest one."

Talia took Jenna's hand. "You're too good for them. You deserve better than that."

"Do I? I was so irresponsible and stupid and reckless, you know. You were there. You saw it all. When I got my act together, it fell apart. Maybe it's destiny that nothing works out for me."

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