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Talia knew Klaus and the other Mikaelsons were glad to have their mother back, but she had the sinking feeling that Esther did not plan on making nice with her children. She wanted to chalk it up to paranoia, but last time she did that, she thought Mikael was tucked away in his crypt and nearly ended up dead.

She didn't outright say she was suspicious, but she wanted to keep an extra eye open just for her.

The day after the eventful dinner, Talia woke up in Klaus's arms, asking him what the agenda was that day. She liked to know if she had to be involved in one of his nefarious schemes. Instead, she was met with surprise.

"My mother wants to throw a ball this evening," Klaus informed his tired girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Tonight?" Talia asked. "She might be a better party planner than Caroline if she can pull it all together in a day. Maybe she enlisted Caroline. Can you imagine my little sister micromanaging your mother? God, that'd be funny to see."

"I'd be entertained," he agreed. "I plan to attend, of course, and would like the most beautiful woman in the world as my date."

"Where are you going to get Margot Robbie on such short notice?" she teased.

"You know I'm talking about you." He kissed her cheek. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Thank you, darling." She kissed his nose. "I'll gladly be your date."

He kissed her, but she shoved him away playfully.

"I've got morning breath," she said. "Didn't we talk about this once before?"

"I don't mind," he said.

"I do mind." She hopped out of bed and returned shortly after, putting on some of her own clothes as she brushed her teeth.

"We're in no hurry," he said in amusement.

"Oh, but we are." She tossed Klaus's shirt back to him and started brushing her hair, still brushing her teeth too. "Once Caroline gets wind that there's a ball tonight, she will show no mercy. It will be hours on hours of outfit planning and preparation. Maybe it's a good thing this ball is tonight. She needs something to take her mind off of Bill for at least a minute."

"Well, don't worry about outfit planning. I have already picked out a dress for you if you'd like it and I gave Jonas permission to do the same."

"Stefan's lifting the ban for the night?" she asked.

"Oh, he's lifting it indefinitely since he's lost whatever leverage he had." He smirked. "It feels good to win."

"Don't count your chickens." She finished brushing her teeth and came out of the bathroom dressed. "Do I look cute?"

"You look absolutely adorable."

"Thank you." She kissed his cheek. "I wanna get ready with Caroline, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. If anything, you entering the mansion in your dress adds dramatic flair."

"I should've guessed. You love dramatic flair."

"I'll drive you." 

"Thanks. Can we stop by my apartment? I want to grab some jewelry."

"Of course."

Talia grabbed some jewelry and a black clutch purse Bekah had gotten her from the apartment. Then they made it to the Forbes' residence. 

Caroline came barreling out of the house and wrapped her sister in a bear hug.

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