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Talia decided she would spend the night at the Forbes residence. She wanted Klaus and Elijah to sort out whatever problems they needed to sort and wanted to spend time with Caroline. Bill was back in town and helping Jonas break the sire bond. Talia was not a fan of Bill's, but respected the fact he wanted to help Caroline. Of course, he had put her in a cellar with vervain and kept burning her in the sun the last time he was in town so she was still furious with him.

Caroline was upset, though. When Jonas turned, the chains broke and he attacked Bill as a werewolf. Bill was in the hospital and Caroline needed her big sister which was why it was convenient that Talia appeared on the doorstep explaining she was letting her boyfriend and best friend sort their troubles and wanted to spend some time with her baby sis.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Talia asked while lying in bed with her sister.

"Doctor Fell gave him vampire blood," Caroline explained. "But keep that a secret because Dad would freak out if he knew."

"Lips are sealed," she replied. "Doctor Fell? Meredith?"

"Yeah," she said. "Ric's kind of dating her right now."

"She's nice. She helped me find your room when I came back into town."

"Cool." She huffed. "Jonas feels really bad about it, but he apparently will have to turn again and again."

"Yeah," she said. "Nik explained that you have to turn until you can't feel the pain of it to break the bond. Why didn't Bill come to me about breaking the sire bond?"

"He isn't your biggest fan since you are kind of Klaus's soulmate."

"Well, that's rude."

"Yeah, I know, but he's getting over it. He probably didn't trust that Klaus really wanted to help Jonas."

"You know, if you didn't tell me not to kick Bill's ass, I would kick his ass for what he did to you."

"He knows better now."

"Does he?"

"He's helping Jonas so we can be together. I think he's still looking out for me."

"If he doesn't, let me know."

"I will." She started playing with her daylight ring. "I think Dad looks out for you too, you know, even if he doesn't like who you're dating. I went through his stuff and found he hired a private investigator so he could look after you last summer when you were gone."

"He did?"

"Yeah. He knows he'll never replace your dad and he's been a sucky one lately, but I think he still loves us deep down somewhere."

"I hope so."

Caroline smiled. "Having a hybrid boyfriend is so hard."

"Oh, a hundred percent," Talia replied, smirking. "But they do have good endurance."

Caroline screeched and threw a pillow at her sister, saying, "Do not talk about that!"

"We literally had a sex talk not too long ago," she said. "I make a joke and you screech?"

"I didn't know you two did it and I totally did not need to hear a joke about Klaus's endurance." She paused. "Oh my God. You two actually did it?"

"Maybe." She chuckled. "And do not act like you are a prude. When you lost your virginity, you called me while I was in New Orleans just to tell me all about it."

"It was an important milestone. Doesn't mean it was good, but it was still a milestone."

"Well, we're sisters, Care. We can divulge in the dirty details while painting each others' nails because that's what we do. You'll always be my baby sister."

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