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Talia rushed over to the Salvatore Boarding House looking empty.

"Study!" Damon shouted, hearing the door close and smelling the Empath's scent.

She followed his voice to find Damon handing Rose a glass of blood as the woman sat in a robe.

"Ah," he greeted. "You're here."

"Sure am," Talia responded, looking at Rose. "How's our patient?"

"Thirsty," Rose responded, taking the glass and sipping the blood like it was a fine red wine.

"You feeling any better?"

"It feels like it's working."

"Let's have a look," Damon said, pulling down the back of the robe just a little to reveal the bite looking more infected.

"How is it?"

"Definitely better," he lied, feeling Elena's presence. "Right, Elena?"

"Um, it's not bad," she lied.

"Where's Stefan?"

"He left, but I need you to talk to him. He's convinced that he has to find Isobel, but I think that's going to upset Elijah."

"No can do. I agree with Stefan on this one, but if you and Talia could play nurse for a while..."

"It's not necessary," Rose said.

"It is necessary. Besides, Elena's a do-gooder, meaning she can't resist, and our beloved Talia would be pissed if we wasted her day with anything less."

Damon then left the room, Elena following.

"Let's get you some more," Talia said, noticing Rose's empty glass. She took the blood bag and poured some blood in, adding some bourbon, too. "You can never go wrong with a spiked drink. Should ease the nerves."

"Thank you," Rose responded, taking the glass and sipping it, trying to control her bloodlust. "You really don't have to stay-"

"Call it being a supernatural being that feels and controls people's emotions, but I think leaving you here alone seems like a pretty crummy thing to do."

"Maybe it's good you're staying. You make a mean bloody cocktail." She sipped a little more.

"It's just the blood and bourbon special, nothing more." She then fluffed Rose's pillow, asking, "Is the couch comfortable?"

"Ah, sure," she lied.

"You forget I'm a nearly-human lie detector. Let's get you into bed. Maybe you'll be comfortable enough to sleep all this away."

"That's not a terrible idea. I am dreadfully tired."

"Okay, then. Where is Damon's room?"

"You'll know it when you see it." She smiled. "It's actually nice."

"Elena!" Talia shouted. "I need help!"

"What do you need?" Elena asked, entering the study again, but without Damon.

"Help me take Rose to Damon's room to lie down."

Elena and Talia took Rose up off the couch and began to support her as she directed them toward's Damon's bedroom. They then laid Rose down in bed, who then started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Talia asked.

"I hate this," Rose complained. "I'm a vampire. I haven't had a cold in five centuries."

"Just get comfy." She pulled up the sheets and fluffed the pillows.

"We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness."

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