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Short and sweet.


Klaus had comforted the woman he loved to the best of his abilities. He had no idea how to comfort someone he cared for so deeply when she had to lose her father—a father she actually loved, nonetheless—for a second time. Talia saw him try his hardest and she admired it greatly. She couldn't be more thankful for his efforts.

She had cried herself to sleep, Klaus there the whole time to hold her and assure her everything would be alright. He was also there to shape her dreams, something she was also very thankful for.

"Hello again, love," Klaus greeted once she woke up. He was exactly where he was when she fell asleep looking only slightly disheveled. She knew immediately he had to have stayed awake most the night to watch over her, a fact she'd find unsettling if it wasn't Klaus who was doing it. 

"Hello, handsome," Talia responded. "Tell me you didn't stay awake all night."

"I may have," he said.

"Nik, you need rest too," she said sternly.

"I've been alive a thousand years, Natalia. Who needs rest? I have had plenty."

"Even though you are strong and powerful, you do have a physical heart pumping blood through your once-human body. I see the bags under your eyes. Not only are you the slightest bit tired, but you're also hungry."

"I'm fine," he responded.

"When's the last time you fed? Unless you left my side to pick up a late-night snack, I have yet to see you drink any blood on this little getaway."

"I..." His words fell silent. He really hadn't had blood since the start of the trip. Granted, it was only a few days out, but still. He hadn't really noticed before.

"Nik, you need to drink some blood."

"I shall."

She cocked her head to the side and tapped on the side of her neck with her pointer finger as if saying, 'go ahead.'

"No," he said simply. 

"It's not like you'll hurt me," Talia replied. "And I'm consenting. Besides, isn't blood sharing an intimate thing?"

"Where'd you get that information from?"

"I didn't know it was a thing until Elijah mentioned it," she said. "Now, come on. I trust you."

"Not the smartest move, love."

"Who said I was smart? I am, however, consenting. Come on."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm serious. You're hungry and I'd rather you have your energy when we go to Portland."

"I should be saying that about you, considering your current predicament."

"My current predicament won't kill me for another year."

"Still. You are growing weaker."

"It's not like drinking my blood will make me weaker."

"But it will."

"I mean, maybe woozy, but not, like, weaker in the sense that this little curse is making me."

"Are you really sure?"

"I'm sure."

His fangs popped out from his gums and the veins appeared under his now-golden eyes. Talia had to admit the whole golden eyes ordeal was pretty hot. 

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