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First of all... thanks for 100k reads! I'm sorry if my updates are slow. I'm back working full time now and it's really kicking my ass, so on my free days, you may see more updates. Please bear with me and thank you for reading!

Also sorry this chapter isn't too exciting. I promise I'm working on some better chapters.


Now more than ever, Talia was staying at home with Klaus by her side. After the extremely close call the previous night. She was still more than shaken up over the fact that her friend's alter ego tried to murder her in cold blood and how easily the alter ego deceived her before she figured out Alaric wasn't feeling anything. So not only was she scared, she felt stupid and guilty.

She had been reading all night long, letting Klaus sleep in. She promised him she was going to rest, but knew she wouldn't be able to. She wanted this ordeal to be over as soon as possible so things could hopefully return to normal. Being the easiest to kill and being linked to the Original family was not something she could take lightly and she couldn't take any more chances.

Klaus knew he had to keep an eye on her. He feared anyone could come in and try to kill her. He also worried she would get so bored out of her mind or she would just snap since she's mostly been in isolation that she would leave and get hurt. He tried his best to help her, but he saw how distraught she was becoming after staying home and doing nothing.  Not that she went out much, but she did want to see Caroline again.

No vampire except Klaus was allowed in since there was always the chance they were really hungry.

Klaus exited Talia's bedroom, fully dressed, and yawned, asking, "Were you up all night, love?"

"Maybe," Talia answered, putting down a Jane Austen novel. "I can't sleep."

He sat beside her on the couch and held her face in his hand, asking, "Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't know," she replied. "I still can't get it out of my mind that I was stabbed and dying. It all turned out okay, but it's gonna take a minute to wrap my head around it."

"I understand," he said. "Take all the time you need."

"Thank you," she said. "For being understanding. And perfect."

"You're welcome."

"You didn't deny it," she said with a smile.

"Deny what?" he asked.

"That you're perfect." She cupped his cheek. "I used to have to fight you to say it."

"Well, your words do have an effect on me."

"Was that meant to be dirty?"

"No, but I see how it came across that way."

She chuckled and climbed onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You are. Perfect, that is."

"As are you."

She kissed him and then leaned back, brushing hair away from his face. "Are you going anywhere today?"

"Sadly," he answered. "A certain someone has shown up in town and I think I can end this once and for all."

"How?" she asked.

"Finn's lost love is back and he's sure to back down once he sees her again."

"It'll give him something to not sacrifice himself for."

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