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The number of times Talia called Jenna Sommer's phone was ridiculous. She received no answer every single time, but couldn't help but hope Jenna would answer as each ring passed. She finally shouted in anger, giving up on calling her, and called Elijah, someone she trusted wholeheartedly.

"Hello?" Elijah answered.

"It's Talia," she responded. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the Old Witch House," he said. "You know the one."

"I'll meet you there."

"You sound rattled. Anything upsetting you?"

"Klaus came by to visit and inform me he would never harm me."

"He probably would never harm you, especially since you share this bond."

"Well, fuck the bond. He's going to harm people I care about. Jenna... she's the vampire, isn't she?"

"I fear she is."

"God! What a prick." She clenched her fist and consequently, a shot glass was flung into the wall with her powers. "I'll be at the Old Witch House in a moment."

"Stay on the phone," he begged.


"If anything happens between where you are and here, I need to know."

She grabbed her coat and attempted to run out of the apartment, but she was immediately flung back into the living room, shouting in pain as she landed on her side.

"Talia?" Elijah shouted from the phone.

"I can't leave the house," she said. "There's some kind of barrier on it."

"This must be Klaus's doing. He wouldn't want you near something so dangerous."

A tear streamed down her face. "I can't leave. I can't help. I need to help. Jenna's life is at stake!"

"I'll do what I can."

"Jenna's innocent, Elijah. Please try. She doesn't deserve this."

"I will try my best."

Tears begin to stream down her face as she begged, "Please. Please do what you can. I can't... I can't let her become another June."

"I will. I will do what I can."

"Thank you."

"Of course. I will see you later."

"See you then."

She hung up her phone and placed it on the kitchen counter, staring at her open doorway. She knew she wasn't able to leave, but tried her best to dismantle the barrier with her powers. All that resulted was a bloody nose.

She opened a window and tried to hop out, but she was once again flung back into her living room. She began crying hysterically as she tried to escape her own home, memories from years ago plaguing her mind.

"I love you," Talia heard a familiar voice say, though it wasn't real. It was all in her head.

She heard giggles coming from that same voice. It felt so real. It felt like June Westfield was in the room with her, running her hands through Talia's blonde hair as her almost perfect teeth flashed.

"Do we really have to go to the dumbass senior prank night?" June asked, holding Talia's hand as she parked into the pretty vacant school parking lot.

"We're already here," a younger version of Talia replied. "Besides, Mike and Hannah are already inside filling cups with water to put on the gym floor."

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