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Talia Forbes was more than relieved when Elijah appeared on the doorstep to the Mikaelson mansion. She missed him so much and now that Klaus was desiccated, she needed a Mikaelson around. It was funny. She never thought she would love them all that much.

"Natalia," Elijah greeted, giving the woman a hug as soon as he walked in.

"Elijah," Talia responded, sinking into his embrace. "I've missed you."

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Everything sucks," she answered. "Thanks for asking."

He chuckled. "So, what's this I hear of my brother being desiccated?"



"They took him to a warehouse," she said, sitting on the couch. "I've been in a state of shock for forever, it feels like. I didn't even fight back. I should have."

"It was unexpected," he replied, sitting next to her. "And you're weaker than the average vampire."

"Still." She placed her head in her hands. "We were arguing. I was mad. He was going to kill Elena to stop Alaric and I wouldn't let that happen. And now he's-"

"I know." He placed a hand of comfort on her shoulder. "Would you like me to make some tea?"

"Please," she begged, tears traveling down her cheeks. "With milk."

"I know how you like your tea." He stood up, then noticed her tears. "Natalia-"

"So much has happened," she said. "I just... I didn't sign up for it."

"You inadvertently did when you fell for him."

"I know. I-it's just crazy. I can't wrap my head around anything anymore."

He gently grabbed her chin and examined her face. "You're pale."

"I'm weak. Still dying."

"Might I...?"

"Oh. Sure."

He placed his hand on her chest and also listened to her pulse. "It's abnormally slow."


"Niklaus' heart stopped," he pointed out. "It's affecting you negatively."


"Even weak, your heart has never been this weak. His desiccation is hurting you, his soulmate."

"Great. Fucking great."


"I don't care about my language, Elijah." She wiped away tears. "I'm overwhelmed."

"I'll make that tea."

He did so and started boiling water in the kettle, making some tea. He returned with two cups, sitting back down on the couch as Talia took hers. It was perfect.

"What do I do?" Talia asked, the hot tea in her hands warming them up. "He's vulnerable. He's helpless. I'm helpless. He's a target."

"We will get that stake from Alaric and run, okay?" Elijah responded. "He can't chase us all."

"What about me?" she asked. "My family?"

"I have it on your mother's word that Caroline is going away for a while," he informed.


"Alaric exposed her and the mayor for hiding that their children are vampires."

"Oh my God."

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