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If the dream in this chapter seems confusing... I might as well tell y'all.

I am writing a Kol Mikaelson fanfiction and I will publish parts soon. I love this new OC because she's completely different than what characters I'm used to writing and I absolutely love fleshing out characters!!! She's a little more complex than some OCs I've written in the past so oooooh

If you wanna check that out when it's published, go ahead and give me a follow (only if you wanna)


Talia was happy to wake up in Klaus's arms, not wanting to leave his comfortable embrace. Now that she stopped fighting whatever bond they shared, she realized how badly she wanted to be with him. She also had extreme respect for him not pushing her to do anything she didn't want to do early on in their relationship now that she understood how hard it was to hold back.

She felt his hand trail up and down her back with a delicate touch as she asked, "Do we have to get up?"

"We do," he said. "We're taking a little trip."

"Really? Where to?"

"Chicago. Lovely city, you know, but it will never live up to the expectations it held in the 1920s."

"Doesn't sound like a small trip."

"Did I say small trip?"

"You did."

"Well, I meant a long car ride."

"With Stefan?"

"With Stefan."

"Why can't we take a trip without him?"

"You want to spend time with me now?"

"Yeah," she said with a pout.

He smiled and leaned down to lock lips, but she simply placed her finger on his lips.

"I've got awful morning breath," she said.

She got up out of bed and brushed her teeth, Klaus following soon after and doing the same. She was horrified when she spat into the sink and found blood in the sink too.

"Oh, right," she said after a moment of staring at the drain. "I'm dying. Almost forgot."

"You're not dying," Klaus said.

"My body is literally ripping itself apart because I pushed its limits," she reminded.

"All the more reason to get to Chicago swiftly," he said. "I have a certain witch I'd like to take you to."

"Before we go, can I call Caroline?" she asked. "I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling off for the past couple of days and I'm worried about her."

"Call anyone you want, love," he said, handing over his phone. "I'll pack your bags for you."

She dialed Caroline's number and, when she didn't receive an answer, called again. After three more failed tries at reaching her sister, she called Liz, who picked up immediately.

"Hello?" Liz answered.

"Hey," Talia greeted.

"Talia?" she asked. "Is it you?"

"Yeah, it is," she said. "I'm traveling again, but I kinda don't want to disclose my location. You'd tell Damon and he'd get himself killed. Against all odds, I still don't hate Damon."

"I understand, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Sheriff Mom." She paced. "Caroline isn't answering her phone. Do you know where she is?"

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