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The last thing Talia remembered from the previous night was going to work and working an extremely long shift, avoiding many drunken men. When she left the Grill and walked home, she was grabbed by a masked figure and tried to escape. She was apprehended pretty quickly, making the blonde feel pretty weak.

She and Elena were taken from the trunk one at a time, Talia being first, by a vampire into what looked to be the broken remains of what used to be a fancy mansion.

Talia stirred on the couch, the binds extremely tight, as Elena was plopped down next to her.

"What do you want?" Elena asked weakly.

The man shushed her.

"Please. I'm hurt."

"I know." Then his fangs popped out from his gums. "Just a taste."

A woman with short hair sped over and stopped him from feeding on the girl, scolding, "Trevor! Control yourself!"

So he backed up murmuring, "Buzzkill."

"Who the fuck are you?" Talia murmured, a little more alert.

The woman bent down to look at the blonde and grinned. "My God," she murmured. "He painted you well."


"What do you want with me?" Elena asked.

"And you look just like her," the woman said to Elena referring to Katherine.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you do-"

"Be quiet!"

"But I'm not Katherine!" she said, standing up. "My name is Elena Gilbert. You don't have to do this."

"I know who you are. I said be quiet."

"What do you want?"

Then the woman slapped Elena pretty hard, causing the latter to fall to the couch unconscious, telling her, "I want you to be quiet. God, I never did like doppelgangers."

"I'll be quiet if you help me connect some dots," Talia murmured quietly to the vampire.

"You can take instructions. Admirable."

"Thanks? So, I'm so confused. She's the doppelganger and I'm...?"

"The Empath."

"My weird and kinda weak powers are important...why?"

"Not the powers, Talia Sullivan."

"And you know my name. Cool."

"You are very important to a specific someone."

"Okay, but who is this specific someone?"

"I'd have figured the woman you call Katherine would've told you by now."

"She's tried to negotiate it with me or something. I don't know. Nothing she says can be true."

"If she thinks you can help her, she will tell you the truth as well as she's able. That's what I know."


"I don't know a single vampire alive that doesn't have a history with Katherine Pierce."

"Oh, so you can be chatty, but I can't?" said the guy named Trevor, reentering the room.

"Shut up, Trevor. She's not a bad conversationalist."

"And I am?"

"I'm trying to make sure she doesn't freak out and hopelessly try to escape like an idiot."

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