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I just posted the first few chapters of my Kol fanfic if y'all wanna check that out! It is connected to this book and I am excited to see how it works out!

It is titled "Monster" and you are free to check it out (or not) if you want to. 

I recommend you do because I've spent a bit of time on that already and I love the way I'm fleshing out the OC because IMO she's different than any OC I've ever written and her quirks will be explained! Though it is your choice. I'm biased.

Also, I didn't intend for this to be a bit of a shorter chapter, but it just happened.


Talia had taken a liking to Rebekah very quick, finding the girl was similar to Caroline but older and maybe a little meaner. And despite the fact that she questioned Talia's decision making when it came to men, she warmed up to her rather quick as well.

The blonde Original vampire and Talia decided to go shopping at a trendy store in Chicago with the boys in tow, biding their time until Gloria came up with a solution to the hybrid problem since Talia already got her answer.

Rebekah loved the idea of shopping until she discovered the modern style.

She had no struggle getting into a dress while Talia faced some difficulty with the zipper, Klaus more than fine with helping her zip into a dress.

"There has to be more to this dress!" Rebekah groaned.

"There's not," Klaus confirmed.

The girl stepped out of the changing room wearing a short, black dress, and said, "So women in the 21st-century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing," Klaus mused, amused by how his sister was reacting.

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."

"It's dance music," Stefan answered.

"People dance to this?"

Stefan simply hummed.

"Are we done?" Klaus asked.

"No, we are not," Talia tutted, stepping out of the dressing room in a short, red dress. "I need to find dresses to wear for social occasions like historical meetings with Carol Lockwood when I do return. All my others get ruined."

"How so?" he asked.

"Blood, bullets..." She trailed off. "Point is, I don't have nice dresses."

"I can buy you whichever dresses your heart desires," he said.

Talia sat down next to Klaus and pecked him on the lips before she stole his champagne glass, drinking its contents quickly.

"You are so mean to me."

"Me? Never." She placed the glass down and gave him a proper kiss.

"You two are absolutely disgusting," Stefan said. 

"It's a romance that took a millennium to blossom," Rebekah responded. "Let them have their moment."

"Thank you," Klaus said.

"How do I look?" Rebekah asked, trying to pull the hem of her dress lower. "What do you think?"

"I like it," Stefan said.

She wasn't satisfied with his answer and it visibly showed.

"What?" he asked. "I said I like it."

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