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Despite wanting to stay in bed, Talia was the first to arrive at the Salvatore boarding house the second Stefan called her about Caroline.

She arrived as Damon gave Caroline a glass of blood.

"Here," he murmured.

"I'm still shaking," Caroline muttered, proving that to be true as the glass of blood shook in her unstable hand.

"What happened?" Talia asked before Stefan stepped into the room to ask the same exact question.

"What happened?" asked Stefan.

"Go ahead and tell them," Damon responded. "You'll love this."

"I saw Katherine today," Caroline admitted after gulping down some blood.

"Where?" Talia asked immediately. "Did she hurt you?"

"No. I just saw her at the Grill. I stopped by to gawk...'cause I stalk Matt."

"Skip the teen drama and get to it," Damon said.

"Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go because I'm a doofus."


"She told me to deliver a message."

"What was the message?" Stefan asked.

"To tell you that she wants the moonstone or she'll rip the town apart until it rains blood."

"Tell him the rest of it," Damon added.

"Tonight at the masquerade ball."

Talia sighed and so did Stefan, turning away for a second to contemplate.

"She wants to do it in public," Stefan realized. "Killing Mason threw off her guard."

"She's running scared," Damon added. "What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks."

"We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her."

"Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asked.

"I'm in favor of that one," Talia added.

"No," Damon objected almost immediately. "Katherine's not getting dick. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her. Tonight."

"You're not gonna kill her," Stefan said almost smugly, walking closer to his brother.

"Don't give me that goody-goody crap."

"You're not gonna kill her," he repeated.

"Oh, really?"

"Because I am."

Talia rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch, saying, "You can kill this bitch with a pencil through the heart and just now you're thinking about killing her?"

"Talia, it's not that easy."

"So I couldn't kill you with a pencil?" she asked, then pointing to Damon. "Or you?"

"Not without a fight," Damon said smugly.

"Well, then one brother fights and the other stabs. Ba da bing, ba da boom. Dead bitch. Honestly, you should let me plan your battles."

"Well, we have an actual vampire hunter on our side. Let's ask for weapons."

"I love Al. Get him over here as soon as possible."

"If we're calling the experienced vampire hunter, we might need a witch, too."

"Oh dear lord a pencil can do the trick. Find where she is and-"

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