Chapter 1

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AN: I've decided to go back through and add GIFs at the begining of each chappie. Excuse me while i get hot and bothered

Louis was pacing across the cold tile flooring of his office when a timid knock rapped against his door.

“What” he spat out as he watched his assistant walk into the spacious white room.

The CEO turned on his heel so that he faced his assistant straight on. Louis noted that her hands were slightly shaking as she nervously straightened out the hem of her dress. Grown impatient of her trepidation Louis began to impatiently tap his shoe against the white tile.  He didn’t fucking have time for this.

“Well are you going to just stand there fidgeting or do you actually have a reason that you are now wasting my precious time Ms. Calder?”  Louis said with an eyebrow cocked.

Eleanor’s face flushed beet red but she was somewhat used to the impatience of her boss, “I’m sorry sir but there’s a certain Mr. Horan here to see you…and well I told him that he needed an appointment to see you sir but he won’t listen and won’t leave…”

“A Mr. Horan you said?” Louis responded, surprisingly amused seeing as how he usually does not take walk in appointments. “Send him in.”

Shocked, Eleanor stood for a moment just opening and closing her mouth as if she were a fish out of water, eventually giving a curt nod and scampered from the office and gaze of her boss.

A moment later, the door opened once again and Louis smiled as he watched a familiar head of blonde hair walk through the doorway.

“Tommo!” the blonde practically yelled as he walked up to the CEO and gave him a hug.

Louis laughed and hugged him back two fold. If anyone from the office was to walk in, they wouldn’t believe that they would be seeing their stony faced CEO smiling and willingly showing affection towards another person.  

“Niall! Why didn’t you tell me you were in London?” Louis asked once he finally broke free from the bonds that were the Irishman’s arms.  

“Why would I tell you and have to make an appointment with the upmost exclusive Mr. Tomlinson, when I could just show up and make your assistant uncomfortable with my irresistible charm?”

Niall then proceeded to flop himself down on the black leather couch, sprawling his limbs across the upholstery to the best of his ability. Louis watched fondly as his old Uni roommate attempted to make himself comfortable on the couch.

Shaking his head, Louis sat across from Niall and said, “I have no doubt in my mind that you gave Eleanor a right heart attack by making her come in here to tell me that someone was insisting my company.”

A loud cackle left Niall’s mouth, “She’s seriously terrified of you Lou. What the fuck have you done to the poor girl? Threaten to burn her at the stake if she gets your coffee order wrong?”

“Eh…something of the sorts” Louis chuckled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.   

“Well I actually do have a reason why I am gracing you with my presence my dearest CEO millionaire” Niall said, sitting up from his previous position across the couch.

“And that would be…”

Niall looked him in the eyes and began to play with his fingers in his lap, “Now don’t get mad-“

The brown haired man groaned loudly in response, already knowing that if Niall had to warn him, then it had to be something bad.

“Just listen to me you prick!” Niall huffed then continued, “Well Zayn from Malik Enterprises is actually getting married this weekend and he wanted me to extend the invitation to you to come and bring a date too-“

“Absolutely not” Louis quickly interrupted, not even giving the invitation a seconds thought.  

Niall groaned “Louuuu, come one just this one. Please, I really don’t fancy going alone but I have to go because Liam is best mates with the guy and is the best man.”

Unfortunately for Louis, he caved and looked into the puppy dog eyes that Niall was giving him. Completed with a pouted lip of course. Louis stood up from the chair and began to pace while looking out at the view from his wall of windows that overlooked all of London below.

Running his fingers through his perfect quiff, “Why does your boyfriend insist on making friends? Especially friends that require me to go to events. You know how much I hate going to social events that aren’t completely necessary for me to go to. I’m sure Malik will continue to marry the whore without my approval of sitting in the crowd.”

“Hey! Perrie is a perfectly nice girl! A bit out there with her hair choices, but definitely not a whore. Come on Lou, I am literally begging you to come with me to this.”

And that was completely true; Niall was now on his knees in a praying position next to where Louis had stopped pacing by the farthest end of the office.  

Beginning to give in, “Well who would I bring anyways…” Louis trailed off.

Niall shot up off of his knees and embraced Louis in one of his famous Horan hugs, effectively cutting off the feeling in Louis’ upper body.

“Niall…can’t go to the wedding if you kill me…” the CEO choked out, slightly flailing in Niall’s grasp.

Niall immediately let go, a blush raised on his pale cheeks, “oops.”

Louis returned to the couch and sat down, “But really Nialler, who the fuck would I bring”

The blonde walked across the room and smugly stated, “Leave that to me. I already found you someone.”

“No. None of your fixed dates” Louis firmly stated, arms crossed against his chest.

“But Harry would be perfect!” Niall whined.

Louis perked up at the name, “Harry?”

“Yes, Harry. I’ve worked with him before and he would be perfect for something like this. He’s even got green eyes” Niall winked, knowing that eyes were a weakness for Louis.

Louis shifted awkwardly in his seat, “So…he’s a photographer like you?”

Niall snorted “Oh god no. Harry’s one of the models I’ve shot before.”

“So he’s an arrogant son of a bitch you mean?” Louis stated more than asked, already beginning to be turned off by the set up.

Niall shot up and began to wave his hands wildly in front of Louis as if he was trying to hail a cab. “No! Harry isn’t like that at all. I mean don’t get me wrong he is gorgeous, I mean he’s a model Lou…but he is definitely more of a poster flowerchild then some self-absorbed arse”

Louis shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, already knowing the answer to his next question, “And you’re sure you need me there?”

“Please Louis” Niall said earnestly and it was more than enough to seal the nail in the coffin for Louis.

The young CEO opened his eyes and huffed “I guess I better get a new suit…”

Niall jumped across the couch, effectively tackling his friend to the tile ground for the third hug of the day.

AN: I'm so excited about this one. Let me know what you all think about the idea!  

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