Chapter 25

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The next few months consisted of Louis and Harry spending as much time together as possible. The days Harry didn't work, he came to Louis' work for a bit and lounged on the sofa while working on writing songs as Louis worked. Louis went to a few more shoots, thankfully none that involved Stan. Niall ended up officially moving to London when Liam asked him to move in. Since then, Harry and Louis began a bit of tradition of going to their place for a weekly dinner.

It didn't take long for the press to begin reporting about their relationship which wasn't a surprise seeing as how they were some of the most famous people in England. That was actually how both of their families found out they were dating each other.

Last week when they were sprawled out on Louis' couch watching The Breakfast Club, Louis' mum called asking why she hadn't heard about Harry. And it wasn't that Louis didn't want to tell her about Harry because he knew that she would love him, but he didn't know if it was too soon for him to bring Harry home. After he got off the phone and told Harry, Harry admitted that the same thing happened to him with Anne just a few days earlier but he didn't know what Louis would think.

And that's what led them to being outside of Louis' childhood house, about to knock on the front door.

Louis turned to a fidgeting Harry and chuckled, "you look great darling, mum will love you so just relax." Louis kissed his cheek and then knocked on the door.

High pitched voices were heard on the other side of the door followed by loud footsteps.


Louis was quickly tackled back on the ground by two girls that barely looked like the twins he had left a few years ago. Their hair was longer and both taller than Louis had remembered.

"Hello loves," Louis laughed as the girls continued to hug him.

Harry giggled and that must have been the first time the girls noticed Harry's presence because they left Louis and began saying hello to him and telling him that he had girly hair.

"Girls, girls, let the boy breathe," Louis' mum said as she came to the front door.

Louis got up and engulfed her in a tight hug. It wasn't until he was ever with her that he realized how much he's missed his mum.

"Mummy! There's a pretty boy here," Daisy said as she held Harry's much larger hand in her small one.

She laughed and agreed, "yes he is a pretty boy, hello hun, I'm Jay."

"Hi!" Harry said and hugged her, which surprised Jay to say the least.

Harry released her and then he sort of shrugged, "sorry m' a hugger."

Louis watched his mum look back and forth between the two of them for a moment and then she pointed to Louis and said, "keep him."

She turned around, walked back in the house leaving the other two men still on the porch. Louis went to walk inside but almost fell when he felt Harry jump on his back. It had become a bit of a habit of Harry's to cling onto Louis after Louis once called him a giant koala.

"Did ya hear that Lou? Now you have to keep me. Mum's rules, not mine," Harry said as he's wrapped his long legs around Louis.

Louis laughed and slowly walked inside, attempting to avoid toppling over.

"Uh Louis, why is Harry Styles on your back?" Lottie asked at the bottom of the stairs, slightly shaking.

When Louis told his mum that they were dating, she said not to mention it to Lottie because she had become a bit obsessed with Harry. They both decided it would be best just to surprise Lottie and see how she would act. Harry however, didn't know about the plan.

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