Chapter 2

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Once Niall had left the office, Louis stood by the wall of windows for what seemed like hours, just watching the blur of cars and pedestrians mingling in the late afternoon rain. The setting sun cast a burnt orange glow across all of those who inhabited the streets, making them look sun-kissed. Louis would never admit it, but he loved the view. It made him feel ostracized from the city folk below but he liked it that way. Louis loved the feeling of being alone.

He didn’t need to be in the spew of action to feel important. For shits sake he was a millionaire CEO, he was important. Louis was more important than majority of the specs navigating the London streets that did not see his ever watching eye. He almost felt like the doctor in The Great Gatsby. His eyes watching carefully from afar yet able to observe everything at the same time.

Louis heard Eleanor approaching the door to the office before she knocked, hearing the all too familiar click of her kitten high heels as they cross the tiled floor.  However the CEO remained standing in place, watching the havoc covered streets as he waited to be acknowledged.

“Come in” Louis stated once he heard the faint knock against the door.  

He glanced over his shoulder to see Eleanor standing in the middle of the room, still fidgeting with the bottom of her dress.

“If you’re going to continue to adjust your dress Ms. Calder, you should invest in a new one. I do believe you are paid ample enough to afford a dress that does not require you tugging at it throughout the day” Louis dryly stated.

Eleanor immediately stood up erect, dropping the hem of her dress from her dainty fingertips.

She cleared her throat in attempt to relieve some of the usual tension between her and her boss, “Sorry sir.”

Louis turned around fully, now facing Eleanor straight on, “Don’t apologize Ms. Calder, fix your behavior.”

“Yes sir” Eleanor squeaked out, her doe eyes now fixated on the ground.

“Good. Now I hope that you had a reason as to why you are once again fidgeting in my office.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Horan from earlier asked me to make an appointment for you to get a new suit tailored to your liking for a wedding this weekend and I wanted to make sure that he wasn’t joking because…well…it’s you and you’re not too fond of weddings…” Eleanor said, her words beginning to rush towards the end as she tried to look her boss in the eye.

Taking a few steps closer, Louis stood directly in front of Eleanor, managing to look down on her regardless of their minimal height difference. The woman internally flinched away, not used to the direct attention from her cold hearted boss.

“He was telling you the truth. I have wedding to attend to and I don’t think it would be appropriate for someone of my stature to show up in an old suit” Louis confidently said, not leaving room for any doubt on Eleanor’s part.

“No problem sir, I’ll get Ed on the phone right away to make an appointment for you hopefully as early as tomorrow” she stated with a reassuring nod.

Louis crossed his arms, “Sounds wonderful as long as you remember who you are representing and don’t make the foolish mistake of calling someone as prestigious as Mr. Sheeran simply, Ed. Just because someone flashes you a kind smile in the past does not make them your equal Ms. Calder.”

Eleanor’s eyes got impossibly wider from the coldness of Louis’ tone, “Oh no! I mean you’re right he isn’t my equal at all…like at all at all…I was just saying that I…never mind. You’re right; I’ll make sure to get you an appointment with Mr. Sheeran”   

Taking a step back, Louis nodded approvingly then looked directly at the door, signaling her to leave him be. Luckily enough for him, she could take a hint and immediately scurried from the room.

Finally closing the file Louis had been reviewing, he was done for the day. He pushed himself back from the desk and gingerly stood up, stretching out his stiff limbs. He walked away from the desk and grabbed his jacket off of the coat hook before leaving the barren office for the evening.

Louis rode the elevator down from the top level all the way to the bottom with his cerulean eyes locked straight ahead towards the silver sliding doors, impatiently waiting for them to open. Once they did with the accompany of a light ding, Louis strutted out of the enclosed space though the empty lobby towards the exit.

He made his way to the parking lot and unlocked his black BMW that proudly sat in the closest spot. Finally sitting on the leather comfort of his car, Louis was able to release the breath that he felt he was holding in throughout the day. Or any work day for that matter.

Driving through the crowded London streets, Louis eventually made his way out of the city and towards his neighborhood. As he passed the line of street lamps he got closer to his turn where his home sat upon a small hill.

Mansion would probably be a more accurate term for the abode but that was beside the point.

Louis waited for the driveway gate to open after he entered the four digit pin that stuck out towards the driver’s window. Once the steel gates opened widely, Louis drove up the pavement and parked outside of his garage that held two other cars.

Yes it was pretentious that he owned three cars and yes it as pretentious that he lived in a mansion by himself, but Louis couldn’t give a motherfuck.

After making his way into his house, taking off his jacket and loosening his tie, Louis was able to be at peace. The brunette man meandered through the kitchen and towards the fridge where he pulled out a cold beer which he welcomed with a happy sigh.

Louis brought his beer with him and paced to the living room where he settled himself on the couch, curling his legs comfortably up on the upholstery. When twenty minutes of watching bad reality TV had passed by, Louis decided to pull his lap top out and do a bit of research on his supposed date.

Firing up the mac, Louis opened a new window and went directly to Google. If this Harry character was as big of a hotshot as Niall had painted him to be, then he was bound to come up.

Once he typed in the two seemingly harmless words Harry Styles, Louis officially realized he was properly for lack of a better word, fucked.

Lanky limbs were the first thing that Louis noticed when he glanced at the multiple pictures of the boy but once he clicked on a particular photo, so much more about the lad overtook his particular body type. Pouty lips accompanied by a dimpled smirk were surrounded with a halo of pushed back chocolate curls.  Emerald eyes seared into Louis’ sapphire ones causing Louis to gulp in response at the intensity that they managed to hold in the picture.  There was absolutely no denying what Niall had told him earlier that day, Harry Styles was beautiful.

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