Chapter 16

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AN: how crazy is it that Harry is going to marry his biggest fan? 

"Yes, Ms.Calder?" Louis said condescendingly when he heard the familiar knock on his office door.

The tall brunette halfway opened the door and peeked her head in but before she could even begin to say something, Louis had cut her off.

"Ms.Calder are you just going to stand there with only your head in here or are you going to use those your legs of yours and come all the way in?" Louis said with his eyebrow cocked upwards in a challenging manor.

Eleanor was about to respond but she was cut off again, but this time is wasn't Louis who did it.

"Louis! That's not exactly a polite way to speak to a lady."

Louis' demeanor changed to confusion when he saw another head pop in next to Eleanor's shocked one.


Harry walked by Eleanor and farther into the office, smiling a confused Louis.

Eleanor finally spoke up, "A Mr.Styles here for you sir."

Louis turned his gaze from Harry's amused one to Eleanor's frightened one.

"Yes, I can see that."

"Louis!" Harry said with a disapproving tone.

Louis rolled his eyes at the model and in a sickening sweet voice said, "thank you Ms.Calder."

Eleanor smiled at Harry, nodded and then left the two men alone in Louis' office.

Louis turned around from where Eleanor retreated and saw Harry looking out at the view. The CEO walked over so he was standing beside the model and he glanced up to see Harry taking in the busy streets below.

"It's beautiful" Harry said breathlessly.

Louis nodded in agreement and asked, "So what brings you to my office Mr.Styles?"

Harry seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and turned away from the view and to Louis. The taller man took Louis' hands in his own and then leaned down and kissed Louis softly.

Louis hummed happily into the kiss and if he was being honest, he was a bit disappointed when Harry pulled away shortly after.

"I wanted to ask you something" Harry said as he walked over to sit on Louis' desk. If it was anyone else, Louis would have snapped at them but it wasn't, it was Harry. And after talking to Niall about his feelings for Harry a few nights ago, it was easier for the CEO to admit to himself that Harry was going to be someone important to him.

Louis walked over and stood between Harry's parted legs, his hands playing with the already mostly unbuttoned shirt that Harry was wearing.

"And what did you want to ask me darling?"

Harry started fidgeting with his hands in his lap so Louis moved his hands from Harry's shirt so that he could hold Harry's hands still. Louis leaned forward and rested his head on the crook of Harry's neck, nuzzling it slightly.

Harry's body visibly relaxed from the gesture and Louis had to do his best to fight a smile threatening his lips.

"I sponsor a charity for kids growing up in third world countries who don't have basic resources because they can't afford it," Harry began and Louis could hear it in Harry's voice how much it meant to him so Louis squeezed his hands, urging him to continue.

"Anyways, theres a gala tonight for the charity and I know it's probably not your thing but I just...uh...I wanted to ask if you would want to as my date" Harry stuttered out.

Louis removed his head from Harry's neck and looked up to see Harry looking anywhere but at him, his nerves evident.

"Harry, I would love to."

Harry's eyes darted to Louis' and he nervously said, "really?"

Louis smiled and nodded before he leaned forward and kissed Harry on his cheek.

Harry's whole body was practically radiating happiness and Louis knew he was in deep because he wanted to make Harry look like that all the time.

"When is it?" Louis asked, his fingers lightly tracing the swallows on Harry's chest.

Harry was still fully smiling when he responded, "Seven. I can be at yours by 6:30 to pick you up if you'd like."

"I'd like that" Louis responded honestly.

"Now that I have plans for tonight, I should probably finish the project I was doing before you came in" Louis said as he backed away from Harry.

Harry jumped down from the desk and gave Louis one last kiss before he left to walk out of the office.

Once Harry had left, Louis found that there wasn't anyway that he was going to finish his work so he decided to call his stylist.

Louis scrolled through this contacts and clicked on the name he was looking for.

The phone rang twice before he hears a familiar, "Louis!"

Louis laughed at the enthusiasm and responded, "Lou, I need you to help me get ready for a date."

"Louis Tomlinson is going on a date? Never thought I'd still be alive when that happened" Lou joked.

Louis scoffed in response and tried to casually ask, "do you know the name Harry Syles?"

There was a moment of silence on the other line and then Lou rushed out, "You have a date with Harry Styles?"


"Oh god I'm coming right over. We have work to do" Lou said then hung up right after.

Louis knew she wasn't joking so with that, he grabbed his jacket and made his way to go back to the mansion.

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