Chapter 8

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"Fuuuuuuuck" Harry groaned as Louis thrusted one final time to bring both of them to their climax.

Spurts of hot white cum covered their chests before Louis slowly pulled out. Just like the previous time, Harry was left boneless and blissed. Louis' mouth involuntarily twitched upwards at the fact that he was able to have that sort of effect on Harry.

Louis rolled off of Harry's body, climbed off the bed and made his way to the master bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. The cold tiles stung against his all too hot feet as he crossed the floor to the basket of hand towels. He pulled out a soft black one, ran it under warm water for a moment before returning to Harry who hadn't moved very far from the position Louis left him.

Louis was a firm believer in cleaning up his messes so wiping himself and Harry clean only seemed appropriate. It wasn't a matter of affection, he just liked his things tidy. Not that Harry was a thing.

A hum of approval left Harry's swollen lips as Louis cleaned him up.

"Thanks," Harry murmured sleepily once Louis was finished.

Louis hummed in response and walked back to the bathroom to throw the cum covered towel in a different basket to be washed.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror that was perched on the pearly walls above the double sink and was met with a slightly horrifying sight. His usual quiff was half way hanging limply across his forehead. Louis decided that he looked like a well fucked homeless man.

Louis ruffed his fingers through his hair and brought the rest of it back down so he was sporting a fringe across his forehead that he hadn't seen since his days at uni.

After deciding that it was as good as it was going to get, Louis left the bathroom once more to be greeted with the sight of Harry standing naked next to his bed. Harry stretched out his back as he looked out of the window, completely oblivious to Louis watching him and unabashedly checking him out.

Harry must have caught Louis' stare in the reflection of the window because while still faced away from Louis, he said, "Like the view?"

"Can't complain," Louis said, arms crossed casually as he rested against the doorway from the bathroom to the bedroom.

Harry turned around with a dimpled smile and he took in Louis' appearance. The curly haired model walked over to Louis and stopped just in front of the CEO so he was slightly looking down at him.

"Your hair looks good like that Mr.Tomlinson."

Louis smirked at the formality but played along none the less, "Thank you Mr.Styles."

Harry looked as if he was about to go in for a kiss but he must have decided against it seeing as how he took a few steps back and pulled a band off of his wrist that Louis somehow didn't notice before.

Before Louis could ask what he was doing, Harry was pulling his long hair back and putting it up into a bun, messing around with is slightly so that it looked a bit messier.

"Seriously Harry?" Louis said, completely dumbfounded by the fact that Harry was a ponytail type of guy and that he managed to make pulled back hair look...good?

"What! It keeps all the curlies out of my eyes..." Harry said, his large hand reaching up to the bun self consciously.

"The curlies..."

"Yes Louis. The curlies."

He tried really hard not to laugh at the complete seriousness in which Harry decided to describe his hair. Tried being the keyword.

Louis started laughing and walked over to peck Harry on his cheek before mumbling, "Whatever you say darling."

Harry blushed a delicious shade of pink, "I guess I should get going..."

"I'll walk you out, not to mention all of your clothes are still downstairs" Louis said, grabbing his robe off of the chair in his room and putting it on.

They walked down the impressive staircase and Harry clumsily put his long legs through his pants, jumping on the tips of his toes as he shimmied them up his thighs. He then pulled his shirt back over his hair and Louis tried not to laugh as Harry carefully avoided having the shirt touch his bun.

Lastly, Harry pulled his pair of brown boots that looked like had seen their fair share of seasonal weather. Once both boots were pulled on, he walked towards the door that Louis was holding open and turned towards Louis.

"I'll be seeing you?" Harry asked almost hopefully.

Louis nodded and firmly grasped Harry's chin in his hand so that Harry would meet his gaze.

"Drive safe." was all Louis said before letting go of Harry's chin and stepping away.

Harry dropped his gaze and made his way out of the house and towards his Range Rover that was parked crookedly in the drive from earlier.

Louis closed the door and walked back through the quiet mansion and up to his bedroom.

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