Chapter 24

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When Louis woke up, he was completely disoriented. He was in a bed and not on the floor of the agency. His neck was sore but it was manageable which was probably why he wasn't in a hospital. Looking around the room, Louis realized that he was in Harry's house and he was incredibly thankful for that. He didn't want to be alone right now.

Louis slowly got out of bed and looked down to see that he was wearing one of Harry's sweaters that's was oversized on his own body. He walked out of the room and to where he heard the TV playing downstairs.

Harry looked up when he heard the door creak and he immediately rushed over to Louis.

"Oh Lou," Harry said brokenly.

Louis went to say that it was all okay and he was fine but that was far from the truth. His demon was back and tried to do what he succeeded in doing the first time. Without any further thought, Louis broke down.

His hands came up to his face as he uncontrollably sobbed out, "why me."

Harry scooped him up in his arms and walked the two of them back upstairs to his bedroom. Kicking the door closed with his foot, Harry walked to his bed and laid Louis down. Harry climbed in, pulled the covers back over the two of them and held Louis as close as he could.

Louis' sobs shook the both of them but Harry only held on tighter with each one. Louis had both of his hands clutching onto Harry's tshirt while his head was tucked in under Harry's chin. Harry had one hand on the back of Louis' head, fingers threaded in the older man's hair while his other hand was pressing on Louis' back.
The sun had gone down by the time Louis had calmed down. Harry's fingers were scratching Louis' scalp to help relax him while his other hand had moved to Louis' side. Harry kissed the top of Louis' head when he noticed that Louis had gone quiet.

"m' sorry," Louis whispered.

Harry moved back and looked Louis in the eyes, his brow furrowed.

"What could you possibly be apologizing for?" Harry asked slightly astonished.

Louis shrugged, "For being so emotional. I don't even know the last time I've cried. Bit embarrassing..."

Harry leaned down and rubbed his nose against Louis' affectionally before he whispered, "Lou, I'm not going anywhere."

Harry's words made Louis' stomach twist in the best way possible. He didn't know how he managed to have someone like Harry in his life let alone have the privilege to be with him in a romantic manor.


"I'm yours Lou, all you have to do is ask," Harry said as he continued to hold Louis closer.

Louis' heart was racing because the idea of asking Harry to be his boyfriend  gave him slight anxiety but he knew that Harry wouldn't let him down. He knew about Stan and for some reason was still there for him.

With a nervous smile, Louis looked up at Harry and quietly asked, "Darling, would you do me the absolute pleasure in being my boyfriend?"

Harry squealed. Literally squealed and then began peppering Louis' face with kisses as he continued to say, "yes".

They stayed in bed for the rest of the night, wrapped up in each other as much as possible, events from earlier forgotten.

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