Chapter 20

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When Louis woke up, he immediately knew that it was too early to be awake. Louis stretched his arm out and was disappointed to feel nothing where he expected to feel a Harry.

Louis blinked a few times so his eyes would adjust to the dark room. He looked over at the large window that was on the adjacent wall, the sun had just began to rise outside giving off a soft glow.

Grabbing the sheet that was pooled around his waist, he slid out of the warm confines of Harry's bed and went in search of the missing boy.

The only sound he heard was his footsteps against the wood flooring and the sheet that was wrapped around him, dragging across the floor. Louis kept walking down the dim hallway and stopped outside of a door that had a bit of light coming out from underneath. It was minimal and if the hallway wasn't so dark, he probably would have missed it.

Slowly, Louis turned the door knob and opened the white door. The room was divided into two sections, or two rooms really. There was a sound booth that had a piano, multiple microphones, and a wall of guitars. Louis counted at least seven of them and that was only the ones perched on the far wall. The other part of the room that we was now standing in had a board of all sorts of buttons and levers that must have controlled the sound coming from the booth. It was all extremely impressive and yet Louis couldn't take his eyes off of one particular thing in the room.

Harry was sitting on a wooden stool, black acoustic guitar in hand as he sang into a microphone perched in front of his mouth. His eyes were shut, eyebrows furrowed, and fingers moving along the neck of the guitar expertly. Louis couldn't hear him since the door to the booth was closed but Louis was desperate to hear what he sounded like.

The CEO walked closer to the board and saw one of the buttons that was flicked off under the words "sound through" and Louis figured it couldn't hurt to at least try. His finger reached forward, he flicked the switch to "on" and was immediately met with a gravely voice that sounded like it was dipped in honey.

Louis was so focused on the the depth of Harry's voice that he almost didn't even register what Harry was singing in the first place.

"There's a future in my life I can't foresee, unless of course I stay on course and keep you next to me. There will always be the kind that criticize,
but I know, yes I know we'll be alright," Harry crooned into the microphone.

Louis didn't recognize the song and judging by the notebooks strewn across the room, he assumed that Harry must have written it himself. While listening to it, Louis couldn't help but to think that the song was written for them. That maybe Harry wanted to take things to another level between them too.

The thought made Louis feel a warmth spread through him but he didn't have much time to think about it because he heard, "Louis?" through the speaker.

Louis looked up and saw Harry looking at him wide eyed, guitar still in hand. The CEO walked to the door that opened the booth, and opened it. He pulled the sheet that was still wrapped around him so it didn't get stuck when the door closed behind him. Harry stood up and set the guitar down on a stand that was near the stool he was previously perched on.

Louis slowly walked over to Harry and hummed in content when Harry pulled him in his arms.

"What are you doing awake?" Harry asked while he rubbed circles into Louis' back.

Louis nuzzled farther into Harry's chest and mumbled "cold".

Harry laughed, "C'mon, back to bed."

Before Louis made any motion to move, Harry had scooped him up in his arms and began to carry the CEO back to his room.

"If anyone finds out about this, I'd punch them" Louis said as he clung onto Harry.

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