Chapter 33

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AN: these gifs are actually ruining me

Louis stormed into the hospital up in Newcastle and immediately saw Simon pacing back and forth.

"You!" Louis yelled as pointed at Simon then rushed up to him, already prepared to punch him.

"Louis don't!" a woman's voice said, stopping Louis effectively.

He turned around and saw a tear stained Anne standing in front of him. Louis glared at Simon then turned to wrap his arms around Harry's Mum.

"My baby," Anne cried into his shoulder and Louis bit back the sob they desperately wanted to tear through.

Louis had so many questions but he knew that Anne wasn't in any state to answer them so, the two of them just stood in the waiting room, holding onto each other.

When she calmed down enough she let go and sat down in one of the chairs. Louis crouched in front of her and held her hands in his, "I'm going to talk to Simon, I'll be right back."

Anne nodded and Louis left her with a kiss to her cheek. He turned around to see Simon already looking at him, biting his thumbnail nervously. Louis nodded his head to towards the other side of the room and Simon agreed. Whatever happened, Anne didn't need to hear it again.

They sat down and Simon was immediately apologizing to Louis like he did earlier on the phone, Louis held up his hand to stop him and then said, "please, just tell me what happened to my Harry."

Simon went into explanation that Harry wasn't himself, he was quiet and his permanences were good but they lacked the emotion that he used to put in his music. He was constantly checking his phone bit looked even more dejected with each look. Simon asked him last week what was going on and Harry just shrugged it off but he knew it had to do with Louis.

Last night he told him that he needed to get back out there (Louis wanted to throttle him at this point in the story) and Harry said that he didn't want to go out, not if Louis wasn't there. Against Harry's will, Simon took him to the club and left him in the hands of a man named John at the bar. No one knows exactly what happened after that until someone heard Harry scream from inside one of the bathrooms and then a shot fired.

The police got the man who had hurt him but the ambulance wasn't as fast; Harry was unconscious in his blood when he was finally carried out.

A doctor had only come back once and it was to notify them that Harry was going into surgery to remove the bullet and see the damages it had done to him. He had lost a lot of blood from the wound in his shoulder so they couldn't guarantee anything.

When Simon had finished, Louis was in complete shock. His baby was hurt because he wasn't there for him. If he had fucking picked up the phone and just tried to work out their problems, Harry's life wouldn't be in danger.

"Harry Styles family?" A doctor questioned the waiting room.

Louis ran over and stood next to Anne, both eagerly waiting to hear what she had to say.

"Harry's awake," the doctor started and Anne grabbed Louis' hand in her own, "But, he's gone through a serious amount of trauma and he's having a significant amount of difficulty breathing."

"What are you saying?" Anne asked, frightened to hear what the doctor was going to say.

"I'm saying that today and tomorrow will be very testing on your son and will depend if he pulls through."

"If he pulls through?" Louis asked, his hands moved up to cover his mouth.

"Don't lose hope," the doctor said sympathetically. "Also, when he woke up he asked for his husband, I believe he said his name is Louis."

Louis' heart shattered right then that he called Louis that.

"That's me," Louis sniffled in response, "But you should go first," he gestured to Anne.

"No love, he needs you right now," Anne said with the smallest of smiles.

The doctor nodded, "follow me sir."

Louis followed the doctor to the elevator and went up to the fourth level and stopped outside of the first room that was labeled, "1D".

He said thank you and then shakily put his hand on the silver doorknob. Louis slowly opened the door and beeping noises were suddenly filling his ears.

Tucked in the small white bed with tubes attached to him was none other than the love of Louis' life, Harry.

"Harry," Louis said, his voice cracking on the second syllable.

Harry slowly turned to look at Louis and tiredly smiled, "Hi lovie, fancy seeing you here."

Louis shook his head and started to cry harder than he had since he got the news of Harry in the hospital.

The older man walked over to Harry and pulled up the visiting chair next to the bed. Harry reached out to him and Louis couldn't bear not touching him any longer. Their fingers interlocked and Louis leaned over to kiss the back of Harry's hand.

"I'm so sorry Haz," Louis finally got out over the lump in his throat.

"Please don't," Harry shook his head. "We're a team right? I should have talked to you before I agreed to anything. I shouldn't have left at all, I-" Harry broke off, coughing.

"Babe, look at me," Louis said and Harry's eyes were then locked on his own. "I forgive you. We can work out everything when we get you out of this bed," Louis tried to say lightly but they both knew what he was trying to do.

"Lou," Harry said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't do that Harry," Louis said shaking his head. "Whatever you're going to say, don't."

"M' dying Louis, the doctor told me," Harry said with a light squeeze to Louis' hand.

Louis shook his head no repeatedly and his sight was covered with tears as he refused to believe what Harry was telling him.

"Don't you fucking dare leave me again Harry," Louis choked out. "Please don't leave me alone."

Harry nodded but Louis knew he didn't really mean it judging by the way Harry was biting back his own tears. All for Louis' sake and not his own, which only made it worse.

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