Chapter 12

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AN: Harry Angel Styles.

Once Niall had left, Louis and Harry just looked at each other and once they made eye contact, they both started bursting out laughing.

Louis went back over to the couch where Harry was still laying, and sat on his lap. Harry sat up, and wrapped his arms around Louis, holding their chests close together.

Harry nuzzled his head into Louis' neck and Louis automatically brought his hand up and massaged his scalp.

With Harry's head tucked against Louis' skin, Louis felt Harry saying something against his skin more than actually hearing him.

Louis gently pulled Harry's head from against his neck and softly asked, "What did you say?"

Harry's eyes were focused down on Louis' chest rather than up at Louis' eyes when he mumbled, "Can I stay tonight?"

Louis' mouth dropped open slightly because, well, that wasn't what he expected Harry to say at all. He didn't do this. The whole sleepover thing, especially if sex didn't even happen.

But, with the way Harry wouldn't even look at him, fear of rejection obvious, Louis knew that he didn't have it in him to say no to the boy.

One night of breaking his rules wouldn't hurt.

Louis put his finger under Harry's chin and brought his gaze up so they were looking at each other. Harry's eyes were wide and Louis could see the hopefulness that Harry was probably feeling.

"Yeah, you can stay," Louis said and the smile he got in return assured him that breaking his rule this once was worth it. Harry was looking up at him with a toothy smile that made Louis chest tighten a bit.

Harry softly kissed Louis' collarbone and murmured, "bedtime?"

"Bedtime," Louis agreed.

Before Louis could stand up, Harry adjusted his hold on Louis and picked him up. Louis let out a not so manly yelp and quickly wrapped his legs around Harry's back, locking his ankles.

Harry giggled. Fucking giggled as he carried Louis towards the staircase and to Louis' bedroom.

Once they made it up to the bedroom, Louis' head was rested on Harry's shoulder and if anyone else was to see him looking so vulnerable, he would punch them. But it was Harry, the boy who didn't speak ill of anyone apparently.

Harry gently leaned over and placed Louis on his back against the bed so that he would be comfortable. Louis sat up and rested against his elbows as he watched Harry strip down to his boxers. Harry then undid the buckle on Louis' pants and began to strip him down to his boxers as well.

Once his pants were off, Harry softly kissed Louis' stomach and it was all so affectionate and intimate that Louis felt more exposed in that moment than actually having sex.

Thankfully for Louis' racing heart, Harry crawled up the length of the bed and snuggled underneath the thick comforter. He held the covers up, silently inviting Louis to join him.

Louis crawled underneath the covers and he wasn't sure what was going to happen. He's never just slept with
someone when there wasn't any sex involved. Sure Harry and him shared a bed the first night they met but they were also drunk and of course,
they had already had sex that night. This was entirely different.

It didn't take much longer for Louis to have his internal meltdown because he heard Harry softly yet shakily ask in the darkness, "Can I hold you?"

Louis' heart was thumping rapidly as he scooted towards Harry and turned around so his back was flush against Harry's warm chest. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' middle and pulled him even closer.

Harry kissed the back of Louis' head and whispered, "Your hearts racing Lou ."

"I don't really do this..." Louis admitted but gently squeezed Harry's hand closer to him so that he didn't give Harry the wrong impression that he didn't want Harry to be there. Because surprisingly, he did.

And that's what worried him.

"You don't cuddle?" Harry softly laughed.

"This would be a first of just spending the night with someone" Louis said, tucking his chin against Harry's arm from embarrassment.

What kind of man admits that to someone?

Harry didn't say anything for a minute and Louis thought that he had actually fallen asleep but then he felt Harry loosening his hold and gently turning Louis' body around so that they were looking at each other.

Louis felt himself practically melt into Harry's embrace as he saw the complete warmth that Harry was looking at him with. Even in the darkness of the room, Louis could see Harry's emerald eyes shining.

Harry leaned in and kissed Louis. It was soft and warm and made Louis curl up against Harry's larger frame even more.

"Lou?" Harry asked once they pulled away.


Harry placed his hand against Louis' neck and looked him directly in the eyes with so much sincerity that what he said next nearly made Louis pass out.

"Don't kick me out when you wake up tomorrow."

Louis felt his heart racing and he wanted to look away and take a step back from how this was going but, with the way that Harry looked at him, Louis knew that there wasn't anyway he could do that to him. It was irrational and stupid but, he knew that Harry was going to be he's exception.

"I won't," Louis promised.

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