Chapter 27

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AN: im sorry.

Louis stormed through his front door and immediately went to the fridge to pull out a beer.

"Louis stop! It's not like that and you know it," Harry yelled after him.

"He kissed you Haz! That's not fucking okay!" Louis yelled and turned around to see Harry followed him into the kitchen.

Louis had the day off so she decided to go to the studio to see Harry like he usually did when he wasn't working. Harry was doing a shoot today with another male model who of course, was extremely attractive. The director of the shoot told them to get closer to each other which Louis didn't mind, he knew it was Harry's job. It was when Julio fuckface decided to start groping Harry's arse that he started to get mad. He could tell that Harry looked uncomfortable but he was going along with it none the less. The director was clicking shot after shot and then told them to get even closer. Naturally, Louis was not happy. The other male model pulled Harry's hair so his neck would be exposed and then fucking licked it. Licked him as if Harry's fucking boyfriend wasn't standing right there. Of course the director was only encouraging it so what does the dickhead do, he kisses Harry. Louis was so shocked that he didn't even move for a good minute, but then got to his senses and said, "for sucks sake," and then stormed out.

Louis left the studio without a word to Harry and went to the parking lot. He paced back and forth trying to calm himself down but the second Harry came out of the studio chasing after him, Louis lost it. He got in his car and drove home which of course led to Harry following him back here too.

Harry walked up to Louis and went to put his hands on Louis' face like he usually did to calm him down but Louis held up his hand and sternly said, "don't."

"I didn't know he was going to do that Lou! And it's my work, I can't exactly not touch other men seeing as how half of my shoots are with other people. Please just calm down," Harry pleaded.

Louis looked Harry in the eyes and said, "calm down? Harry, tell me something. How you react if roles were switched and you saw someone licking and kissing me? Would you really be okay with it?"

"No, I wouldn't but we also have different jobs that entitle different things," Harry replied crossing his arms.

"Well my job doesn't entitle me having to be a slut!" Louis yelled.

The moment the words left his mouth he regretted them. Harry looked completely dejected and Louis could see the tears start to build up in his eyes. Louis went closer to Harry but this time he was dejected by Harry shaking his head no.

"Babe, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry, please I don't think that," Louis said.

Harry just stiffly nodded and looked away from Louis as tears started to come down his cheeks. Louis pulled at his hair because he knew that none of this was going anywhere. He turned around, left Harry standing in his kitchen and walked upstairs to his room. Harry didn't come after him which made Louis realize that he really did fuck up.

Louis stripped off his clothes and went to the bathroom to start running a hot shower. When the water was warm enough, he stepped in and stood underneath the hot spray of the water. He felt himself crying before he realized that he had even started.

He stood there for what felt like hours until he heard the shower door open and close. Large arms wrapped around his middle and he felt Harry rest his chin on Louis' shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Louis mumbled.

Harry nodded but didn't say anything in response.

Turning around, Louis looked up at Harry to see that his eyes were red rimmed and slightly swollen. It made Louis feel like someone pierced his heart because he knew that it was his fault.

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