Chapter 3

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AN: GIF is proof that Harry Styles actually is Adonis 

Louis stood in the center of his office, fidgeting restlessly as Ed finished tailoring his blue-steel suit to fit his curves in a flattering manor. Another groan came from Louis’ parted lips as Ed continued to make the final adjustments.

“Louis, will you please stop fidgeting like a child” Ed mumbled in exasperation as he was adjusting a seam at the top of Louis’ inner thigh.

The CEO shot a glare of annoyance at Ed, making Ed remedy his mistake at once, “Sorry, Mr. Tomlinson.”

Eleanor chose that moment to walk in, eyes popping open comically as she observed Ed’s hands and face touching directly under Louis’ groin. Her cheeks flushed involuntarily at the sight of her boss with his leg propped up on a box, further extenuating the curve of his bum in the dress pants.

Noticing his assistant’s eyes lingering on his figure, Louis cleared his throat to get her attention back to where it was socially appropriate. Eleanor’s eyes snapped back up to meet Louis’ unamused expression as he waited for her to speak.

“I just wanted to give you confirmation that I cleared your business meetings that were previously set for tomorrow so there isn’t any confliction with the ceremony” Eleanor said as bold as she could manage after getting caught for checking out her fit boss.


Ed stood up from his compromising position on his knees, “You’re all done Mr. Tomlinson.”

Louis walked over to the floor length mirror Ed brought with him to admire the suit. He had to admit, he looked pretty good. The young CEO turned back around and gave an approving nod to both Ed and Eleanor, effectively dismissing him from his office.

Now that he had a suit ready, all he wasn’t prepared for was his date to the ceremony.

A date with Harry Styles.

Louis slid his sunglasses on as he stepped out of his car. He took one look at the flower petal covered pavement and regretted his decision to come. Before he could climb back in his car to make a getaway, cameras began flashing in his face. Louis internally groaned at the insistent clicking but he almost blames himself for thinking that paps wouldn’t be at the wedding of an enterprise holder.

 The sounds of the cameras going off accompanied Louis’ walk to the church’s entrance where he saw Niall and Liam taking to a taller lad whose back was faced towards Louis.

“Louis!” Niall yelled, causing the third man to turn around.

It was Harry.

Louis was immediately engulfed in a hug from Niall but he couldn’t help but glance over Niall’s shoulder towards Harry. Once Niall released Louis from his death grip, he took a step back and wiggled his eyebrows while jerking his head back towards Harry’s direction. Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes, refusing to let his genuine interest show as he walked up to Harry.

“He Lou” Liam said with a smile.

“Hi Li, nice to see you” Louis replied politely.

Louis then turned to his right and took in all that was Harry Styles.

He wore a large black fedora that framed his chocolate curls around his ears and neck. His black button down was opened obscenely all the way down to his butterfly tattoo that splayed out at the top of his abdominals, completed with an opened stark-black suit jacket. Matching suit pants lined the long expanse of his legs, hugging his lack of curves gently.

Harry pulled his sunglasses off and offered Louis a dimpled smile, “Hi, I’m Harry.”

Fuckfuckfuck was the only thing running through Louis’ mind but he managed to get out a steady, “Nice to meet you, I’m Louis.”

Filthy thoughts filled Louis’ mind as he looked into Harry’s shimmering emerald eyes. His adams apple was practically being begged to be kissed and nipped along.

Niall watched with a smug expression as the two gave each other obvious once overs. In that moment, Niall deemed himself to be a perfect matchmaker.   

Liam was the first to break the comfortable silence, “So I have to go and line up next to Zayn but you three should probably go in now and get seats.” The three nodded in agreement and Liam departed with a chaste kiss on Niall’s cheek.

Niall, Louis, and Harry walked into the already crowded church and picked a pew close to the back where they wouldn’t be a disruption. Once they settled on the bench, Louis was sandwiched between Niall and Harry. Niall being the friendly shit that he was, immediately struck up a conversation with the lad next to him; effectively leaving Louis and Harry to their own devices.

Louis looked towards Harry to see Harry admiring the stained glass windows with his mouth stuck open in the shape of an “O”. Other situations began to run through Louis’ imagination as he thought of other ways to make Harry’s mouth create that shape.

The CEO leaned into Harry and bumped their shoulders together to get Harry’s attention, “It’s quite beautiful isn’t it?”  

Harry looked over at Louis with a grin stretching across his face, “It’s…wow…just lovely,” his eyes darting back and forth between Louis and the scenery.

Louis chuckled at Harry’s choice of adjective but then stopped once he heard the familiar song that marked the bride’s entrance.

A girl with bleach blonde hair appeared at the back of the church in a vintage-lace styled gown and Louis had to admit that she was stunning. Niall was right, definitely not a whore.

Harry leaned back into Louis causing Louis to freeze slightly at the contact before he relaxed and leaned forward to hear Harry mumble, “What’s the brides name again?”

When Louis didn’t respond Harry looked over his shoulder to see an embarrassed Louis because he couldn’t remember the name of the bride either.

Harry snickered and sat down with the rest of the crowd before whispering, “Really Louis? You invite me to a wedding where you don’t even know the bride’s name?”

All Louis could do was shrug nonchalantly and listen to Harry’s quiet snickers.  

Once the ceremony had finished Niall, Louis, and Harry stood up and stretched out their cramped limbs from having sat for so long. They began to make their way to the outdoor reception when Louis felt someone take his hand in their own. Louis turned to see the side profile of a blushing Harry who was acting as if he hadn’t just taken Louis’ hand in his much larger one.

Louis couldn’t resist as he stretched up on his tip toes, leaned into Harry’s ear and whispered, “Be careful darling, I tend to get a bit handsy when alcohol is involved.”

The CEO pulled back and laughed at Harry’s shocked expression before tugging him along to the open bar.  

Yeah. This was going to be fun. 

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