Chapter 7

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AN: actually watched that gif for a good five minutes. i need water

The sound of a car door closing stopped Louis from his pacing feet that treaded across the cream carpet covered living room floor. Louis snapped his head towards the door and waited for the timid knock that was soon to come. Less than a minute later he heard three soft rasps against the wooden door.

Louis took a deep breath before he made his way to the door that concealed Harry from him. His nimble fingers swiftly turned the brass knob and Louis pulled the door open to reveal a slender curly haired man who was intently biting his bottom lip. Louis just stood in place with his arms crossed stiffly as he glared at Harry's cowering figure.

"Louis" Harry breathed out as he took a step closer to the threshold.

Louis had to control his twitching palm that urged to slap the confused expression of off Harry's pale face. All he could do was nod in recognition and step aside to let Harry through.

Once Harry was inside the massive foyer, Louis couldn't hold back anymore. The CEO roughly grabbed Harry's shoulder from behind, eliciting a yelp from the male model. Louis pulled Harry back sharply towards his chest and restrained him there as he listened to Harry's gasps that escaped between his pink lips.

Harry went pliant underneath Louis' hold, most likely under the assumption that there was no use in fighting the embrace because while Harry was taller than Louis, he wasn't nearly as strong.

Louis brought his mouth forward and began to nip along the long expanse of Harry's neck, listening intently to the whines that were being emitted. After a particularly hard bite to Harry's shoulder, Louis suddenly let go of him and pushed Harry forward.

"Lou!" Harry yelled as he attempted to regain his balance from the harsh shove. Harry whipped around and made eye contact with scathing blue eyes glowering down on him.

With his eyebrow cocked upward, Louis' expression was one of pure distaste towards the younger lad. "Get up" Louis coolly said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Without a second thought, Harry scrambled to his feet and stood in front of Louis and waited on bated breath.

Louis took a step closer to Harry and slowly circled around Harry's frozen form as if he was assessing him; which he completely was. Once Harry started to fidget under the scrutiny, Louis grabbed Harry's elbow and spun him around so there was less than a foot separating them.

"What darling?" Louis said condescendingly, "do you not like having me look at your pretty self?" As Louis said "pretty", he gave a quick smack to Harry's backside, enjoying the slight sting of his palm.

Harry stared at Louis with his mouth wide open in shock and complete confusion as to what Louis was talking about. "What did I do wrong?" Harry asked quietly, apparently no longer able to look into the disgusted expression that was painted on the CEO's face.

"Take off your clothes Harry" was all Louis replied with. No explanation.

Harry obliged and silently pulled his white V-neck over his head and dropped it un-ceremonially onto the floor. Eyes still locked on the ground, Harry then shucked off his pants along with his briefs and waited in the deafening silence.

As he stood in front of Louis, Harry visibly shrunk; his shoulders curled down and his left foot crossed over his right one as if he was trying to disappear.

"I thought pretty models enjoyed being stared at Harry" Louis said as he grazed a finger across Harry's well pronounced jaw line.

Harry finally looked up at those words and let his emerald eyes meet cold cerulean ones. "What? Lou...I...I told you that I don't do stuff like this" Harry stuttered out, his expression obviously pained.

Louis laughed humorlessly and spat out, "I remember you saying that. I also remember a certain photographer telling me that you have absolutely no problem being naked in front of someone. Tell me Harry, what's it like to be so lovely that you can just stand bare in front of strangers?"

Harry's eyes went wild and tugged at his hair in exasperation but before he could explain, Louis kept talking.

"You know it's funny because I actually believed you. I felt the need to take special care of you since you were nervous and looking at me with those doe eyes of yours" Louis said with a hint of sadness in his voice, but it was quickly replaced with the anger that he felt earlier.

"Louis please! You don't get it, that's my job. I model because it pays well so it offers me security that I never had growing up..." Harry trailed off with his voice pinched tight. Slowly as if not to startle him, Harry placed his hand on Louis cheek and continued, "I don't care what those people have to think about my body because they're professionals, there isn't any intimacy in the shoots. I do care about what you think though because it is something so personal that I don't offer up to people. Please try to understand the difference."

Harry was being so sincere that Louis couldn't help but to lean into the comfort Harry's hand was offering him. Louis couldn't even look Harry in the eyes at this point, completely ashamed of his behavior and the way he planned on treating Harry without his full consent. The thought made Louis absolutely sick.

Hesitantly, Harry closed the distance between the two and wrapped his arms around Louis shoulders which caused the older man to turn into the security that Harry's chest offered him. A sigh of relief came from the taller lad as he held Louis tightly to him in the foyer of Louis' house.

A few minutes passed and Louis finally pulled himself from the comfort of Harry's hold so that he could look at Harry. "I'm sorry I was being stupid" Louis mumbled pathetically.

Harry gave Louis a small smile followed by a peck to Louis' forehead and mumbled against the skin, "It's okay."

Louis shook his head in protest, "No Harry it isn't. I...I should never have treated you that way. Especially given that I did just meet you...I guess I'm pretty bad at first impressions" Louis mumbled the last part.

"Well one of my first impressions of you was your pretty cock thrusting into me, so I would say you make excellent first impressions" Harry said with a cheeky wink, effectively earning himself a slap to the bicep from Louis.

Harry leaned forward and seductively purred, "I wouldn't mind getting to experience that first impression again" into Louis' ear.

Louis felt himself begin to swell from Harry's suggestion and moaned when he felt Harry lick a fat stripe just underneath his ear. Instinctively, Louis titled his head to the side so Harry had more skin to devour. Harry hummed in approval as Louis was pliant underneath his larger frame but not before Louis leaned back from the licks and nips Harry was administrating.

"Well Mr. Styles, you are already undressed in my foyer..." Louis bit his lip and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Harry wrapped his large hand around the back of Louis' neck and swiftly pulled Louis to him as he crushed their lips together in a wet passion.

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