Chapter 6

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AN: Sorry I suck major dick and haven't updated. But in my defense I was ten feet from One Direction three days ago so I've been recovering. ENJOY KITTENS

Louis rushed out of the hotel and to his parked car that stood out proudly among the others. He flung the door open before practically jumping into the car and getting it started. Once the door was closed and locked, Louis sped as fast as he could from the building that Harry was still in.

What was wrong with him? Why would he risk everything by even considering staying in bed with Harry for the day? It was thinking like that which could lead to his downfall of the empire that he built from scratch. Louis learned from a young age that relationships of any form are a distraction that can lead the strongest man to his demise. Louis had worked too hard to fall now.

Now just because Louis couldn’t actually date Harry that didn’t mean he couldn’t sleep with him, right? The two did have a physical connection that was undeniable to anyone with a pulse but would that be enough for someone like Harry?

Just after spending the few hours with the curly haired boy, Louis could tell that Harry is the perfect type for a relationship. He is the type that Louis would want to bring to his business functions to charm his peers. He is the type that would want to stay in on a Friday night to just cuddle and watch cheesy films. Louis learned that when Harry admitted that his favorite film was Love Actually. Of course the emerald eyed boy would love a good romantic comedy.

Because he was perfect; just not for Louis.

Maybe Harry would be perfect for sexual needs, but that would be the extent of it.

Louis was extracted from his train of thought as his phone shrilled annoyingly in his right pocket. Shoving his hand into the tight pocket, Louis pulled out the silver mobile and sighed when he saw it was Niall calling him.  He didn’t feel like explaining what happened when they left but he knew that if he didn’t then Niall would probably just get it from Harry.

Damn the Irish.

Clicking accept, Louis answered the phone with a sharp “Hello.”

“Damn mate with a greeting like that I would assume that you didn’t get laid last night” Niall said, laughing at his own joke.

Louis huffed a “What do you want Niall?”

“Liam and I wanted to know if you and Harry wanted to get food with us” Niall replied without reluctance towards Louis’ tone.

Niall gasped, “Wait! Harry already left? He planned on staying for the day I thought…”

A pang of guilt hit Louis with knowing that Harry probably took the day off to be with Louis, Niall, and Liam and Louis had just abandoned him naked in his suite.

Good one Lou.

“No Niall, Harry is still there. I think…well he was when I left-“

Louis didn’t even get to finish before Niall had interrupted him “YOU LEFT HIM?!”

Louis was genuinely surprised with the outburst from Niall because, well, Niall didn’t really have outbursts.  

“I had to go” Louis lamely stated.

Niall sighed loudly “Lou…you can’t keep doing this you know. Harry is a good guy and it seemed like you both were pretty into each other. Probably physically too…”

“Niall!”  Louis yelled at his friend’s brashness.

“I’m just saying that maybe you could just give him a shot before you completely kick him to the curb.”

Putting his car into park in his driveway, Louis ran a hand through his hair and leaned his head back against the leather upholstery. “Well I wasn’t going to cut out the sex. Niall he’s huge!”

“I know, but-“

Louis cut Niall off immediately, jealously growing inside of him: “What the fuck do you mean you know? Niall why the fuck do you know that!”

“You know for someone who just abandoned Harry in a hotel room, you sound pretty jealous” Niall said with a grin evident in his tone.

Louis gripped his steering wheel tightly, the white of his knuckles showing through the tanned skin as he gritted out “Niall. Tell me what the fuck you meant by that.”

Niall snorted in response “Lou calm down. I think you forget that I’ve shot the kid before. Some of the shoots which have involved him being naked.”

“But…but Harry isn’t confident about it” Louis said quietly as he thought about how abashed Harry was at first when he was naked in front of Louis.

“HA! Trust me mate, Harry is plenty blessed in that region that he doesn’t have any reason to be shy. He actually quite likes walking around naked…it’s a bit disturbing.”

Louis was furious. He felt like he had been played and that he was stupid enough to fall for the insecure act that Harry had put on for him so that Louis would baby him. Without a response to Niall, Louis hung up and called Harry.

After three rings Harry’s raspy voice answered call “Louis?”

Louis didn’t have time for niceties right now so he practically growled, “Get the fuck out of that suite you’re probably still in and come over. I’m sending you the address now.” Louis didn’t give Harry a chance to even reply before he added “oh and you better not be late darling” and hung up.

If Harry had any sense at all, he would realize that he was in trouble and that Louis was going to punish him even more than planned if he stood Louis up.    

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