Chapter 10

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AN: louis actually is a sassy little lion man 

Louis was maliciously stabbing the remains of his steak as he watched Harry and Nick interacting.

Nick had his arm slung around Harry's broad shoulders with his fingers massaging Harry's scalp as Harry whispered something in Nick's ear. The sight of Nick's fingers lightly tugging through the curls that Louis was pulling just twenty minutes earlier, was enough for the CEO to lose his mind.

People should not touch what doesn't belong to them.

Even though he was imaging the steak on his plate was Nick, Louis showed impassiveness towards Harry. He wasn't going to let some kid think that he had control over Louis. That would be ridiculous.

Once dinner was removed from the impressive table, desert was already being placed down in front of the guests and host. Chocolate cake.


Louis made sure to make eye contact with Harry as he ran his finger through the thick icing and slowly licked it off his finger. Harry was biting his lip and Louis smirked when the model casually adjusted himself.

Nick returned his full attention to Harry after speaking with some overweight man on his left. Nick stabbed his fork through a piece of the cake and fed it to Harry in the most domesticated way that it made Louis want to both vomit and strangle the man.

Harry took the cake in his mouth and made a show of hollowing his cheeks in a suggestive manor while pulling his pouty lips off the fork.

Nick's mouth hung open for a moment before he bent closer and licked a lingering piece of chocolate that was on the corner of Harry's mouth.

Oh. Fuck. No.

Louis couldn't keep the poker face that he has almost professionally adapted. He stood up from his chair, the loud noise of the legs scraping against the floor drawing attention to him as he did.

The room became eerily quiet for how many people were in it as they all watched the fuming CEO make his way over to where Nick and Harry were sitting.

"Sorry Grimshaw, it's time for young Harry and I to go."

The look on Nick's face was almost comical as he looked up at Louis' face in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" Nick finally managed to get out while Harry sat with a smile playing across his face next to him.

Louis was losing the little amount of patience he had left and bent down so that his lips touched Harry's ear.

"Darling, you have three seconds to stand the fuck up out of that chair and leave with me or so help me God I will drag you out of here like a child," Louis said, nipping Harry's ear at the end of the threat.

Louis stood back up and cocked his eyebrow expectingly as Harry looked at him wide eyed.

Harry turned to face an infuriated yet confused Nick and said, "He's right. Thank you for tonight."

Harry scooted his chair back and stood up as Nick finally managed to say something, "But what about dessert?"

Louis stepped closer to Harry and possessively place his hand on Harry's lower back as Harry replied, "It was lovely."

Louis laughed and led Harry out of the room, leaving a pissed of and cock blocked Nick behind.

"How did you get here?" Louis asked as they exited the manor.

Harry pointed to the black motorcycle that was parked a few cars away from Where Louis had left his car.

"You do know how insanely dangerous that is, right?" Louis asked, staring at the impressive machinery.

Harry laughed, making his dimples come out. "Is that your way of saying that you're concerned for my safety?"

Louis scoffed offhandedly, "Just stating the obvious darling."

Harry walked over to the bike and Louis would be lying if he said watching Harry straddle the seat didn't turn him on. Harry picked up the helmet that was hanging off the handle bar and said, "So are you going to invite me over now?"

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and took a step closer to Harry. He reached his fingers out lightly traced them against the model's cheekbone and said "Of course, how else would I be able to punish you for teasing me night?"

Harry pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and bit down, unaware that he was driving Louis absolutely crazy.

"I'll meet you there."

Louis nodded and bent forward to place a kiss on Harry's cheek before walking away.

Harry pouted and said, "you missed."

Louis turned back around to see Harry looking like a dejected puppy dog. And well fuck, he couldn't exactly say no to that face.

The CEO briskly walked back over to Harry and placed both of his hands on the sides of Harry's face before leaning in and kissing Harry on his pink lips. Harry hummed approvingly firmly grasped Louis' hips.

Louis pulled back barely an inch then brought his lip up to lightly peck Harry on the forehead. The CEO took a step back to see Harry smiling at him, causing Louis to fondly shake his head.

"Much better," Harry said as he pulled on his helmet and clipped the strap shut.

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