Chapter 29

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Louis woke up to Harry poking him with words of endearment, clearly getting impatient with Louis' lack of movement.

"What?" Louis croaked out, his voice filled with sleep.

"Well with that attitude I'm not gonna tell you," Harry pouted, dramatically turning his head away from Louis.

Louis sat up and rested his chin on Harry's shoulder, "m' sorry. what's going on love?"

Harry pecked him and said, "much better."

Louis hummed, "So..."

"Oh yeah! So I might have gotten a gig this weekend," Harry said practically bouncing in his seat.

"What! Babe, that's amazing! Where is it?" Louis replied equally enthused.

Harry went on to tell him that he went to meet the owner of a more popular bar in the city to talk about their live music nights and apparently he liked the demo that Harry showed him. Apparently so much that he wanted Harry to play the same week and on their busiest night.

Louis told Harry how proud he was that he was taking action to get to his goal of performing and eventually dropping modeling. However, he did jab him a bit and said that Harry should have listened to him the first time he told him that he would make it.


"Mate, calm down. He's going to be great," Niall told Louis across the table.

Louis, Niall, and Liam were all sat in the closest booth to the stage where Harry was about to perform and to say he was nervous, was an understatement.

Harry hadn't talked him all day because he was so nervous for his first performance tonight. The bar had reached its maximum capacity, everyone dying to hear the famous model sing, which didn't help Harry's nerves at all.

"Of course he's going to do well, he's Harry," Louis declared as if it was obvious, but he was still shaking in his seat, eyes trained on the stage.

When Harry emerged from behind backstage five minutes later, Louis felt like he couldn't breathe. There up on stage was his beautiful boy, curly hair adorned with flowers while the rest of his outfit was all black. Harry said that, "it was his casual look but made fashionable by the curlies."

Loud wolf whistles came from the crowd infront of the stage and Harry smiled back, waving to a few people. He sat down on a stool that was art in the middle of the stage and brought his guitar up on his lap. He looked around the room as he struck a few chords and Louis knew he was looking for him. They decided the day before that Louis had to yell something so that Harry could find him.

"Hey curly!" Louis yelled, heads turning his way when Harry's eyes found him. Harry mouthed "love you" and naturally the people who saw, cooed in response.

"You two are worse than Ni and I" Liam commented as him and his boyfriend watched the whole exchange. Louis shrugged and returned to looking at Harry, waiting for him to start.

Harry played for a little over an hour and during the entire set, the crowd was completely engaged. Harry was absolutely charismatic on stage, making horrible jokes and tripping over himself when he barely moved. Everyone loved him.

His gravely voice sounded perfect and when Harry only looked at him during, "Ready to Run," the song that introduce Louis to Harry's singing, Louis pretty much lost it. They had come so far from that day when they didn't even know what they were. Now the have been dating for a year and seven months, have a home of their own, and most importantly, were looking into adopting their first baby. They had both decided that getting married first wasn't a big deal to them since they both knew that this was it for them. They didn't need a band to prove it.

When Harry finished his set Louis cheered along with the rest of the crowd and waited for Harry to come over in a bit.

Some minutes later and Louis felt Harry before he saw him. Harry was draped over his back, head nuzzled into Louis' neck.

"Babe, you were amazing," Louis said and then added on, "everyone loved you, especially that one who flashed you."

Harry moved his head from Louis neck and opted to sit directly on Louis instead.

"Yeah? Think it went okay?" Harry asked nervously.

Niall cut in, "Harry you're fucking talented and everyone was eating it up. Wouldn't be surprised if you got asked to play again next week honestly."

Louis kissed the side of Harry's head and was saying, "it's true," when a man walked up to the table.

Naturally, Louis almost spit out his beer when he realized it was Simon fucking Cowell. Louis didn't get star struck easily but this was an entirely different story. Simon was probably the only other person who could be more intimidating than Louis when he wanted to be.

"Harry Styles? I'm Simon Cowell," he offered his hand and Harry, completely dumbfounded, limply shook his hand.

"I'd like to talk to you about business if you have a minute?" Simon asked as he remained eye remained eye contact with Harry.

"Uh...yeah, definitely," Harry replied before getting off of Louis and following Simon to a different part of the bar.

When Louis looked back across the table, Niall and Liam were staring at him with their mouths wide open.

"The fuck?" Niall said, breaking the three men's awed silence.

"Do you think he's going to offer Harry a record deal or something? What else could he want?" Liam asked Louis as if he knew.

"I have no idea, honestly I didn't even think that this would happen. I mean Simon Cowell being here tonight,
that's absolutely ridiculous," Louis replied, shaking his head in disbelief.

The three men continued to drink the beer they had in front of them and impatiently waited for Harry to come back and tell them what happened.

When Harry came back, he had a ridiculous smile on his face and he immediately kissed Louis before saying anything. Louis kissed him back happily but stopped when Niall not so casually cleared his throat.

"He asked me to sign with his company Syco. Lou, he wants me in a recording studio to make an album," Harry said, tearing up at the end.

"What did you say!" Louis asked eagerly.

"I sign papers tomorrow," Harry replied, fully crying now.

Louis jumped up from his seat and wrapped his legs around Harry's middle while his arms wrapped around Harry's neck.

"You did it babe, I'm so proud of you," Louis said.

"I did it. Oh my god, I did it Lou," Harry said as he held on even tighter.


The next day, Harry signed with Syco Music and upon Simon's request, picked up Modest! for management.

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