Research and Marking

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'No! NO no no no no!' I thought in panic. Research and Marking is something S.H.I.E.L.D. has to do to all inhumans and it's no joke. You could be there for months! Any difference to your appearance that wasn't by puberty or anything natural, you could be taken away! 

They keep you in a white room made of vibranium. It's indestructible and you're on constant surveillance. They try activating your powers and you're treated like a monster! A freak! Tears flowed down my cheeks at the memory of the first time I went through Research and Marking. 

It was the most terrifying day of my life. I was only six years old at the time. I remember big black cars and people in suits. Their badges had a bird on them. They were talking to the social services people. I grabbed onto the stuffed Tigger Peter had given me tightly. 

"Yes, that little devil is here. She's in that room," the social service lady said as she pointed to the room I was in. 

"Is she alone?" an Asian lady in a leather suit asked. 

"Yes, we didn't want her cursing and hurting the other children. Though I'm afraid she's already cursed one of the other children, but he's now safe with his aunt and uncle," she explained. 

"We'll be needing their address too," a man who was balding a little in a black suit said. They were all wearing bulletproof vests and pads. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized they were talking about me. I ran over to the couch and hid underneath it. My skin glowed a bright purple. 

"It's okay, Everest. Calm down they can't find us," I whispered to myself as the purple faded. I focused that fearful energy onto the door to hopefully keep it locked and shut. 

"It's locked," I heard someone say. 

"That can't be possible. It doesn't have a lock," the social service lady said. 

"I got this," the Asain lady said. Bang! The door came down. She kicked the door down! 

"Look everywhere! Only act on her if she's aggressive!" the balding man yelled as agents with guns came in. I began shaking. Each of them looked so scary. They looked around for a little bit until the balding man found me. "It's okay. My name's Phil Coulson and we're with S.H.I.E.L.D.," he said. 

"No! I don't want to go with you!" I yelled, "Why does everybody hate me?! I didn't do anything wrong!" My skin shined a bright purple once more. 

"Hey. Hey, we're not here to hurt you," Phil calmly said. 

"Liars!" I yelled. The couch went flying backward, along with Phil and the other agents. I stood up. "That's what everybody says, but then they hurt you and call you names!" I sobbed. I fell to my knees. I hugged my Tigger tightly. Phil stood up and began walking towards me again, but then I yelled," Don't get any closer!" I held my hands up about to use my powers, but then I felt my first electric shock and fell unconscious.  


I woke up lying down in a completely white bed. I was confused. Where was I? The walls were white with a monitor showing scenery. It had what appeared to be another room.  Along with seating and a coffee table. 

"The Welcome Wagon," I whispered to myself. My oldest memory was of a woman telling me to beware the Welcome Wagon. The doors opened. A man with short curly dirty blonde hair came in. He was looking at a tablet. I was still sitting on the bed when he came in. I looked up and met his blue eyes. He had scruffy facial hair and was wearing a flannel shirt. 

"Hello, Everest. My name is Fitz," he said. He had a nervous Scottish accent. 

"H-hi Fitz," I said, "W-why a-am I-I h-here?" My legs were beginning to shake. "W-where i-is h-here?" My skin began to glow purple as my whole body began to shake. I began to cry. This was all so confusing to me! 

"H-hey. You're okay. We just want to make sure you're safe," he said. He put a hand on my shoulder. "We're just going to do some research and then put you into the system." 

I didn't expect what was going to happen next. They tried having me involuntarily use my powers!

When it was finally done after a year of torcher, I was put into Tony Stark's new school. It was some contract with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government to be able to open the school that Mr. Stark didn't enjoy. 

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