Wonder and it's a Tuesday

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I woke up to see Doc standing near a portal. I had a warm towel over my forehead and my covers were pulled snuggly over my thin body. There was also his red velvet cloak over me. It began moving on its own! 

"What the?" I murmured to myself. I began to sit up, but the cloak nudged me back down. 

"Good boy Cloaky," Doc said as he walked back over to me. "Drink this," he said as he handed me a teacup. I sat up. 

I slowly drank the golden tea. It seemed to glow. Like gold! 

"It's called Odin Tea. It's from Asgard. I figured since the books and scriptures say that your powers are from Asgard, I thought that might help," he said. There was a look of worry on his face. "It should also help with your sore throat." 

"Thank you," I said as I took another sip. It was very good and fruity. He solemnly nodded. 

"Well, I'm gonna ask again since I don't think you remember. Can I adopt you?" he asked. My eyes went wide as I spit out the delicious tea. Luckily, Cloaky dodged it. 

"W-what?!" I yelled. 

"No, no need for yelling. Don't want to strain your throat," he said. He sat at the edge of my bed. "It's just, this place is hurting you emotionally and physically. You should be allowed to leave like the other kids."

"You can't adopt me. It's literally illegal," I murmured. "Because of inhumans being so powerful and dangerous, they're classified as Government level weapons. If the inhuman has parents, then they can stay with their parents, but if they're an orphan like me, we just stay wherever the Government will allow," I heaved a big sigh. Yes! I would totally love it if Doc could adopt me and be my dad, but he legally can't. 

"Then, I'll protect you here. Whenever you get hurt, need to talk, or just need someone to hug, I'm here," he sighed as he patted my hair. He kissed the top of my head. "I also hope you don't mind that I took all of those bandages off, but what are those leaves?" he asked. 

"Uh..." I began. 

"Actually, you don't need to tell me right now. You're weak still, so just drink your tea while I read you this," he cut me off as he held up a book. I didn't know what it said. Still can't read. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"It's called Wonder," he said, "It's about a boy named August who has a facial deformity and his life as he goes to school for the first time." (This is a real book! I read it in 4th grade: four years ago. This book changed my perspective on life. 4th grade sucked, and this book showed me that there are several other people who went through worse and are going through worse! Basically, read Wonder by  R.J. Palacio.)

The first chapter was interesting. It was hard to imagine Auggie. I had never met anybody that I'd describe like that. 

I eventually fell asleep again during chapter 2. 


I awoke again, but there was no Doc. 

"Doc?" I asked out loud. My voice was back to perfection. Man, Asgardians get such good things. Good tea, good looking princes, gorgeous queen, a good ruler, and just good everything. Not to mention their hair. 

I looked at my covers. Cloaky wasn't there anymore. I grew disappointed. I liked Cloaky. 

I threw the covers off of me with ease. I stood up quickly.  

I looked out the window and saw that the sun was rising. Today's Tuesday? Yeah, it's Tuesday! I don't know why, but Tuesday was my favorite day of the week. Maybe because I think of Tuesday as the second day of the week and its Twos-day. 

I ran to my dresser with ease and picked out a donated Captain America hoodie, a pair of donated Captain America sweatpants, a donated Iron Man beanie, and a donated pair of iron man socks. It's Twos-day. I've got to wear two of each. 

I then went to the bathroom. Pigtails today! I put my hair into two high pigtails tied with two pink hair ties, but then I realized I can't wear my Iron Man beanie! 

I then saw worn out Iron Man fingerless gloves. They were from when I was little. I put them on and they still fit. Wow! They looked like Iron Man's gloves on his suit. Peter and I each had a pair when we were young. We thought we looked so cool. 

I put my gloved hand in front of myself in the mirror. It looked like I was about to shoot something. To be honest, it did look cool, even though they were knitted and you could get them from Walmart. 

I walked out of the bathroom satisfied with my look. I put on my pink sneakers and headed to the cafeteria. 

"What can I make you today, Everest?" Jarvis asked. 

"Two slices of toast and two sunny side eggs, please," I said. Today was going to be a good day. Do you want to know why? It's because it's a Tuesday, mother truckers! 

"I see that today is Twos-day," Jarvis commented.  Though sometimes Jarvis was a pain in my neck, I liked it when he picked up on my behaviors. 

Two mechanical hands handed me one plate for each thing and two forks. Why? Because it's a Twos-day!

I sat down at a table with five chairs on each side. I sat down in the middle. 

Gotta love Tuesday. 

I'm sorry. It's currently 2 am and I am very tired. I don't know why I'm up at 2 am, I just am. Anyway, Tuesday is the best damn day ever. Tuesdays are great. If it's a Tuesday, it's gonna be a good day. -A Broken Sock who is extremely tired, but is probably gonna write another chapter because she doesn't know when to stop

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